Text of Vol 1:
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Culture Shock
This is a thing.
Folks in shelters who have lost a lot may be experiencing Culture Shock.
Some advice I received years ago helped me.
It is: Create a morning routine you do before any interactions. Do that routine every day.
That gives a frame to your day and helps you gain some perspective.
Try it; it may help you in your recovery process.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
He is Wrong About Tariffs
New Book Announcement
Trump thinks he can cure some American economic issues by raising tariffs on things we import from China and elsewhere. But, pretty much all economists agree that just raising tariffs without a comprehensive policy framework will increase prices Americans must pay and thus increase inflation. A recession most likely will follow. California economists are more in agreement on that than the national averages suggest.
Tariffs can be a tool in our policy toolbox to make the United States better off; however, tariffs do not stand alone: they are a small part of a country's economic strategy.
Most countries understand that and create a country-wide set of policies to achieve sound economic growth. The United States has not had such a policy for many decades. It has been to our disadvantage that we did not.
The brand new book 'INDUSTRIAL POLICY FOR THE UNITED STATES, Winning the International Competition for Good Jobs and High-Value Industries', [authors Marc Fasteau and Ian Fletcher, 2024, Cambridge University Press, UK] suggests a well thought out strategy of raising some tariffs and ensuring a good economic future.
The book also addresses the underlying economic issues with trade as well as providing some examples of countries which have implemented a National Economic strategy and a coordinated trade policy.
Mike P. McKeever, Economics Professor, City College of San Francisco.
Email: mckeever.mp@gmail.com
Cell: 415-816-2982
URL: miepa.net; econoak.org
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
New Year Hope Is Here
We face a stark situation. 2025 will be a difficult year. My hope is that all Americans recognize the threat from the GOP and resist it every day.
We can delay and demoralize them, if we act together. If we do not, then our condition today will be eroded until we are all destitute.
Robert Reich presents the same message
My hope is that we unite in resisting 47 and the GOP in their plans and programs.
Americans come together historically to resist a common enemy to our country.
Today the GOP presents such a common enemy to our American Democracy.
Their goals include taking an extensive list of actions to weaken our National purpose and our institutions which support the Rule of Law.
Today's GOP is led by several native and foreign born billionaires who have no interest in serving or protecting Americans from harm. Their only goal appears to be removing any impediment to their taking even more of our treasure and blood for their personal gain. They seem to see the United States as a vast treasure house ripe for the taking.
But, if we all unite in resisting each and every action they propose, we have a chance to preserve our values and institutions for the future.
This resistance requires courage and risk. We will see theft, misery, violence, illness and wars. The Billionaires will take our houses, our wages, our votes and perhaps our lives and health away from us. Then, when we are living on the street without medical care or shelter, they will take away our small bag with our last precious memories and reminders of what we once had.
Monday, December 30, 2024
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Here's a plan to resist 47.
MAGA is Criminal
The foundation behind the GOP today is criminality. They are thugs. They will steal what ever they can.
No Point in Debating Policy
They do not understand or have any interest in debates about policy. Discussing policy is a waste of time; you might as well be giving a lecture on Keynesian vs Chicago economics or the finer points of Japanese calligraphy of the 16th Century.
We should wait them out. While waiting we work very hard to win the 2026 elections at ALL levels including National and State elected and appointed officials, School Boards, water districts and on to every place and office MAGATS might be.
We Have the Duty to Disobey
The Uniform Code of Military Justice requires military officers to disobey any order they deem violates the Constitution. In order to prevent the harm trump will try to inflict on the United States from his war on the USA, civil service employees at all levels of government should adopt the 'duty to disobey' toward any order or action that violates the Constitution. Additionally, they should collect evidence of any criminal act and report that criminal act to the Dept of Justice for prosecution.
'So, can a person in the military simply refuse to follow an order if they don't like it? The answer is yes — if they consider the order itself to be illegal or unconstitutional. It's generally called a "duty to disobey," and is empowered by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Nov 27, 2019' [https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/what-is-a-military-duty-to-disobey/] [From my post: Weaponize the Deep State in 2025, April 18, 2024]
Putin Model
As Putin style thugs, the GOP will appoint thieves to all the political appointments available to them. It's a version of the basic Putin model: establish criminals in positions of power and insist each share some of the booty with the Boss. Find any person who will not go along or who may not acquiesce in the future and eliminate each such person. Elimination can be done through snipers, poisoning, imprisonment in lethal conditions, dismissal from any position of authority and also et. cetra ad finitum.
What To Do
Recognize that any act which prevents or stalls a GOP command or policy is the definition of Patriotism. We may be able to save much of our country by resisting all MAGA commands or orders. We should be quiet until called upon to act by the 'Federales'; then we should insist that we will not do what they ask. Force them to fire you from your job. When they come to force you out, record the actions and post to social media and all the usual media as well.
Confronting MAGA in Friends and Family
Whenever you are confronted by a MAGA thug in your personal life, simply state that you think he/she is wrong. Then, ask them to provide real evidence supporting their belief.
It Is OK to Bail When You See Danger
When the MAGATS come for you and you do not wish to endanger your family, then it is OK to resign and/or say that you will do what they ask, soon. Then, you can disappear by moving or going off grid.
Friday, December 27, 2024
What's Going On?
This old song seems right today.
Click for link
Or copy and paste this:
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Let's Get Real: It is a Shitshow
Objectively and non-partisanly, it is a shitshow.
I hope our Body Politic will vomit out this infection before it kills us.
A human body's reaction to salmonella, e-coli, explosive diarrhoea and listeria, with which I have personal experience, describe normal reactions to the nascent Administration. These illnesses are not fatal in all cases but do provide a terribly unpleasant experience in every case.
I pray for a quick recovery.
“For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World, the United States of America feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity.” Dec 24
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
On Fear and trump
He says that his ability to create fear is his strongest weapon.
“Real power is – I don’t even want to use the word – fear.” - Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump in an interview with Bob Woodward and Robert Costa on March 31, 2016, at the Old Post Office Pavilion, Trump International Hotel, Washington, D.C.
That may happen because his targets intellectualize their own fears and do what he would want them to do in order to prevent him from doing so. He does not need to do anything if his targets do it to themselves first.
“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once. It seems to me most strange that men should fear, seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.” ― William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
Billionaires and corporate CEO's who anticipate how to appease him actively participate in harming their own interests.
He is a bully. He will use your fear against you. He will have you do things to destroy your interests and self-respect, just because you have already given him permission to do that.
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women and then vote against them, you have no business being up here."
That actually comes from Jesse M. Unruh, who was the Speaker of the California Assembly! Cannon, Lou (1987-08-06). "Jesse Unruh, a 'Big Daddy' who gave politics and power a bear hug". The Washington Post. Retrieved 2023-05-02.
Our national wealth and security is created by the effective rule of law. When a person or organization gives him permission to break the law, they harm their own property and interests as well as their own self respect.
If you harm your personal interests, then you harm the interests of all the people who depend on you. CEO's who appease him harm the interests of their shareholders and employees.
And that appeasement harms the National Security of the United States.
The better approach is to flatter his ego and defer taking any action that will harm yourself and your dependents.
He owns you when you voluntarily appease him. He will use that to reward you with a small reward and then humiliate you on the national stage. RFK, Jr., was forced to eat a McDonald’s meal at his table with a photographer recording the event. RFK may get a Secretary appointment, but he is there to be the fall guy when trump causes a pandemic.
On a personal note, I have engaged with a very small sample of trumpies. I find that when I ask for proof of their statement, they fade away like a wisp of fog. I encourage everyone to vocally disagree with any trumpie you encounter, and than ask for evidence supporting their assertion; this will include trump himself......
Monday, December 16, 2024
Countering Russia Cyber Attacks
From: [https://www.itpro.com/security/cyber-attacks/russia-is-targeting-unpatched-vulnerabilities-what-to-do]
Amid the war in Ukraine and escalating global geopolitical tensions, the threat from Russian cyber adversaries has never been greater. So much so that the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has issued a warning to firms to buckle up for online attacks by Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).
According to a joint advisory of US security agencies, the nation is targeting unpatched vulnerabilities to infiltrate organizations. More than 20 publicly disclosed vulnerabilities are at risk at being exploited by the hacking group APT29 – also known as Midnight Blizzard and Cozy Bear, the advisory said.
In late November, a UK minister warned that Russia is ready to carry out cyber-attacks on the West in a bid to weaken support for Ukraine, which he said could leave millions without power. And in December Britain’s new cyber security chief warned that Russia is among the hostile adversaries exploiting the UK’s dependence on technology to cause “maximum disruption and destruction”.
As the threat from Russia ramps up, what should businesses be doing to protect themselves?
Russia’s cyber activity
Experts concur that Russian cyber-activity is increasing, with the nation targeting critical national infrastructure (CNI) as it continues its war with Ukraine.
Over the last two years, Russia has been performing “relentless attacks” targeting CNI, as well as organizations linked to supporting Ukraine’s war effort, says Philip Ingram, MBE, a former colonel in British military intelligence.
Russian cyber forces focus on four primary activities, says Ian Thornton-Trump, CISO for Inversion6 UK. The first is to “disrupt and demoralize” Western nations through disinformation and misinformation. Secondly, it wants to “ruthlessly pursue internal dissension within Russia and its allies”, he says.
Russia generally sticks to a playbook. This has resulted in “limited cyber success against Western allies”, says Thornton-Trump. “Although clumsy and operational security mistakes have occurred, the Russians are persistent and continue to leverage their capability.”
Over the last few years, Russia’s methods became “much stealthier and more sophisticated”, says Sergey Shykevich, threat intelligence group manager at Check Point Software. The country is evolving towards “intense targeting of the supply chain”, especially focusing on technology vendors, he says.
Mitigating the Russia threat
To help prevent attacks, businesses should "threat model" appropriately against Russian groups, says Thornton-Trump. “Invest in proactive and detective cyber security controls that are effective against a highly skilled adversary who will unleash bespoke and targeted attacks. When facing Russia, robust defenses are required, but threat hunting and anomaly detection, as well as sophisticated honeypots, are essential to detect compromise before the damage is done.”
At the same time, Organizations must adopt a "not if, but when" mindset regarding cyber-attacks, says Dan Lattimer, AVP, EMEA West at Semperis. To mitigate the risks, businesses must implement comprehensive cybersecurity frameworks and invest in tools and processes to harden environments, he says.
Mitigation isn’t easy because of the volume of attacks, but it comes down to getting the basics right, says Ingram. Given that Russia is targeting unpatched software flaws, this includes patching and ensuring operating system updates are done on time.
Russian threats often strike at areas of cyber hygiene that can be defended using industry-standard best practices, says Ken Dunham, director of cyber threat at Qualys threat research unit. He emphasizes the importance of strong patch management, anti-phishing solutions, and identity access management. “By shoring up overall cyber hygiene in a framework-driven SecOps environment, businesses have a much better chance at mitigating the risk of a Russian attack.”
Notable Russian groups
There are multiple known adversarial groups linked with Russia, some of which are backed by the GRU – the “oldest and most powerful” of the nation’s intelligence agencies, says Ingram.
He says GRU-related cyber groups include Fancy Bear and Sandworm, as well as new groups designated with the names Cadet Blizzard and Ember Bear. The campaigns from the well-known government-backed group, Cozy Bear “align with the goals and tasks” expected from a Russian foreign intelligence agency, says Kennet Harpsøe, lead security researcher at Logpoint. This includes espionage against Russian opponents such as Ukraine, Europe, the US, and central Asia, he adds.
Many Russian attacks focus on the supply chain to gain backdoor access to the main targets. The SolarWinds attack is the primary example of this, Harpsøe says.
APT28, APT29, Turla, and APT44 (Sandworm) seem to be the most prominent Russian government-affiliated groups, says Harpsøe. APT28 and APT44 focus on “destructive cyber-attacks”, while APT29 and Turla lean towards “traditional espionage”, he says.
The Russian government-backed threat groups are regarded as some of the most capable of all the state-sponsored attackers, says Harpsøe. “They are well-funded, and work at the level of a specialist who does this as their salaried day job.”
He explains the defining characteristic of Russia-backed groups is patience. “They have the time to develop their own malware and maintain it. And they have the resources to set up clandestine infrastructure to increase their operational security, as well as the patience to be stealthy and run operations for a very long time.”
Saturday, December 14, 2024
47 Follows the KGB/FSB Playbook
"All models are wrong, but some are useful". George E. P. Box
The model below about 47 and the year 2025 will be useful.
47 appears to follow the Soviet/Russian playbook on insurrection as outlined by a former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov in 1984; see the interview here: 'FULL INTERVIEW with Yuri Bezmenov: The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion (1984)' [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yErKTVdETpw]
Its goal states simply that Democratic forms of government with effective elections should be overthrown by any means necessary and a tyranny installed to thwart the will of the people.
Stage 1 in this model is to alter the intellectual construct of the society under attack so that intellectual activity is shaped over an entire generation to an intellectual construct favoring the attacker. That may have begun as early as the 1970's with an adaptation of the Boomer ethos: the 'man' cannot be trusted and we have to rebel wherever we can. That trend has been reinforced by the social media silo-ing of intellectual discussion and thought into two radically opposed camps with no ability to discuss or agree on what the best actions may be.
Part of that plan is to sow distrust in the media and the facts about our world. That has been successful. See Hannah Arendt below on lying:
"This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore.
A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong.
And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies.
With such a people, you can do whatever you want."
Hannah Arendt - (14 October 1906 – 4 December 1975) German historian and philosopher
Stage 2 in this model is to create one or more drastic crises which convulse society and cost many lives. The Covid pandemic of 2020 is an example of such a crisis. 47's Cabinet choices pave the way for more crises on several fronts. It takes only one severe crisis but we now have the possibility of several in different directions. This stage may take only a few months to achieve as opposed to the generational shift described earlier.
Perhaps under 47 we might see another pandemic with zero vaccines available or underway due to 47's mistrust of vaccines. In a world with no trustworthy information we can se the possibility of mass panic.
Or, we probably will see another assault on the Houses of Congress to capture the government in a coup. 47's goons will be released from jail and probably willing to try again.
Or, we will lack the ability to counter Russian actions effectively because the DNI is a Russian agent who will help disable our defenses.
Or, our Secretary of Defense will read some situations incorrectly and exacerbate a volatile situation that a seasoned person could have avoided. Ukraine and the EU vs. Russia ? Iran vs Israel ? Hezbollah vs Israel ?
The possibilities are endless.
Stage 3 is the direct coup with force directed against our critical democratic institutions so that they will fall to 47 and his goons. They will suspend the Constitution and declare Martial Law.
If the 47 mob organizes and attacks with force they may succeed in capturing the basic institutions of the USA. 47 here may be relying on the idea that he can gather enough force to overwhelm existing defenders of the Police and National Guard to capture the institutions.
This stage can take mere days. If the world is in convulsion with one or more crises and angry mobs venting everywhere, an organized and disciplined force can capture existing institutions with almost no one noticing.
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Street Demonstrations That Bring Down Governments
Leipzig Lesson for Demonstrating - Bring Candles, Not Stones
The 1989 political demonstrations in Leipzig Germany helped bring down the Berlin Wall and ultimately broke apart the Soviet Union.
They Key take away is this: Bring candles, not stones. They can't shoot you if you are carrying a candle but they can if you throw a stone.
Friday, December 6, 2024
trump Reality
Tulsi Gabbard handing intel to the Russians.
Kash Patel going after journalists (unless they work for Fox).
RFK Jr. foaming at the mouth about fluoride and vaccines and… heroin?
Pete Hegseth ordering a missile strike after having one too many brewskis.
No, it’s not a bad reality TV show, it’s Donald Trump’s reality. We told you he was going for a cabinet of chaos, and now he’s on track to get that done. Should these nominations be shot down at confirmation? Absolutely. But will they be shot down at confirmation? Not if we let them go without a fight.
You have to remember who we’re dealing with here. The Republican lawmakers who will make or break these wack-job nominations are spineless. They’re weak. They have no original thoughts. They have made it abundantly clear that they will do whatever their orange messiah wants them to do. Their constituents, the democracy they swore to protect, the next generation… that’s all out the window. They only care about one thing: the convicted felon who will be sleeping at his desk for the next four years.
Instead of pleading with these clowns to do the right thing and not let drunks, security threats, and former heroin addicts take over our government, we’re just looking ahead. These appointments will backfire. That’s a fact. And when they do, we’ll be here. Ready to hold Republicans accountable.
We’re not gonna let voters forget who stood by Pete Hegseth. We’re not gonna let voters forget who appointed somebody on an FBI watchlist to head up our nation’s intelligence. We’re not gonna let voters forget which Senators stood by and let this happen. Help us hold the guilty party accountable >>
Israel Commits Genocide in Gaza
Amnesty International:
'Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territory: ‘You Feel Like You Are Subhuman’: Israel’s Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza'
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Winning 2028
Here are two ideas about helping Democrats do better in the upcoming elections of 2026 and 2028.
First, I'll try my best to consider the abomination that is trump, without venting. It's a big ask.
His decisions seem to come from a robot and/or an algorithm:
Step 1: Immediate profits for me, yes or no?
Step 2: Help Putin, yes or no?
Step 3: Help my family, yes or no?
That's it - there are no further steps.
Everything else can be manipulated to serve those ends, whether or not that includes people's lives, morality, others' emotions, laws, obligations, etc. ad infinitum
Some past actions suggest that Democrats assume decent policies are enough to win an election. Biden had great policies. But, policies alone are not sufficient to win elections because we live in a media saturated environment. Any idea without constant repetition does not exist.
Further, the medium is the message. Voters assume that any idea coming from a traditional source is simply a part of the established system that has not made many lives better.
Many voters cannot connect an economic policy to their problems with high prices, health coverage or poor incomes.
Democrats must explain in simple direct language how each specific or proposed future policy and/or action will be felt at the kitchen table. It will be repetitive and perhaps even boring, but it will be oxygen to voters.
Then we have to explain how Billionaires will act to prevent or reverse any Democrat act or policy. Then, we discuss what the Billionaires actually did to block our goals and how their action hurt voters at the kitchen table.
We should do this for every law we propose and for every regulation we want.
We want to create a voice similar to the various conservative social media personalities. The voice should be outside the mainstream media and engage with the same people he appeals to. The actual voice might be a James Carville style populist.
He will talk about Democrat policies and their effects on kitchen table issues for at least half a day, seven days a week. The consistency will build voter understanding of the issues we address with both proposed and actual policies. And, it will also build understanding of the people who prevent those policies from succeeding.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
When You Stand Up for Your Rights, You Protect My Rights
As per Dylan Thomas:
'Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.'
'When President Donald Trump wanted to fire Christopher Wray, the FBI Director, Wray did not take any direct legal or public action in response to those threats. However, there were a few key developments around the tension between Trump and Wray:
Trump’s Criticism of Wray: Throughout Trump’s presidency, he frequently criticized Wray, particularly over his handling of sensitive investigations like the Russia probe and the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails. Trump reportedly grew frustrated with Wray, especially after Wray did not publicly support Trump’s claims about election fraud in 2020.
Threats to Fire Wray: In 2020, there were reports that Trump had considered firing Wray due to his dissatisfaction with how the FBI was handling investigations, particularly those related to the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Trump was said to be angry that Wray did not publicly endorse his views on various issues and perceived Wray as not being sufficiently loyal.
Wray's Stance: Despite these threats, Wray did not publicly address or engage in any major actions to resist the possibility of being fired. According to reports, he maintained his focus on doing his job as FBI Director and did not bow to political pressure from the White House. Wray was also aware of his position’s potential vulnerability, but he continued to serve under Trump, despite the tense relationship.
Trump’s Public Remarks: At times, Trump expressed dissatisfaction with Wray's performance but did not take the final step of firing him. It’s worth noting that, unlike FBI Director James Comey (whom Trump did fire in 2017), Wray had a more secure position, as the FBI Director serves a ten-year term and is somewhat insulated from direct presidential control.
Wray’s Response: While Wray did not publicly confront Trump about the firing threats, he did privately assert his independence. For instance, in his Senate testimony and public remarks, Wray consistently defended the FBI’s actions as nonpartisan and professionally conducted, emphasizing the FBI’s commitment to the rule of law. He also denied being pressured by Trump to take any politically motivated actions.
In short, Christopher Wray did not take legal action or make any public moves when Trump threatened to fire him. Instead, he maintained his position as FBI Director, continuing to carry out his duties despite the tensions with the President.'
ChatGPT said the above in response to this question: 'What did Christopher Wray do when trump wanted to fire him.'
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Resisting MAGA - A Primer
'Do what you can where you are with what you have.' T Roosevelt.
MAGA claims a mandate they do not have. trump did not get a simple majority of the popular vote, more than half the electorate voted against him. [https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/donald-trump-vote-margin-narrowed/]
Resisting MAGA encourages all of us to speak up and counter the MAGA worldview each and every time they express their anger or fear. If nobody questions them they will feel emboldened. If they see resistance at every turn, they will shrink away.
I recommend that the model we take is that every action of trump's administration will be bad for Americans. Each action likely will be either an actual crime or counter to the Constitution. In case any acts slip through his filter that actually help people we can embrace and support those.
The overriding state of MAGA supporters is that of fear. They are afraid of just about everything. They feel they cannot control anything and that they will be harmed.
Their reaction to their fear is violence and anger.
Our specific job in Resisting their emotions and acts depends on the situation.
When a MAGAT expresses a feeling about something, our job is resist that emotion and to counter that feeling in them. I find that logic and facts do not serve to sway their feelings.
I suggest we acknowledge their feelings and disagree with their feeling. 'I hear that you think immigrants are taking our jobs and preventing us from living well.' I think you are wrong - Immigrants do not in fact take our jobs.'
If they persist in their opinion, then ask them for some evidence or facts which prove their case. When they are unable to offer any such proof, then our job is to suggest that their feeling is just their opinion.
I suggest that legislative debates and/or hearings in Congress focus on the MAGAT difficulty or inability to offer proof or facts to make their case.
For undocumented immigrants who may face deportation, here are some suggestions.
** Acknowledge that this is a hard time for you. Relocate now and change your electronic identifiers, use cash instead of credit cards, do not use cell phones and generally make yourself harder to find. Perhaps the elections in 2026 will provide a changed picture.
** Resist the activity, do not voluntarily go with them. Force them to use force to complete the arrest.
** Get an attorney ASAP. Further steps are listed below.
** Film and document any activity by ICE or their counterparts, then be sure the video goes to the press and social media.
** I recommend that we as the resistance picket and film any detention center for the duration of the sweeps. We should look for any violent and/or cruel activities for transmission to the mainstream media and social media.
'Being an undocumented resident in the U.S. can be very stressful, and avoiding deportation requires understanding your legal options and rights. While I can provide general information, it's important to consult with an immigration lawyer who can give you advice tailored to your specific situation. However, here are some strategies and things to consider:
1. Know Your Rights
Right to Remain Silent: You do not have to answer questions about your immigration status if you're stopped by immigration authorities or police.
Right to an Attorney: If you're detained or face removal proceedings, you have the right to an attorney, but you will have to pay for one unless you qualify for legal aid.
Due Process: You are entitled to a hearing before an immigration judge before being deported.
2. Stay Informed on Legal Changes
Immigration laws in the U.S. can change frequently, so it's crucial to stay updated on potential reforms or executive actions that could provide relief to undocumented individuals. For example:
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA): If you arrived in the U.S. as a child, you may qualify for DACA, which provides temporary relief from deportation and work authorization.
Temporary Protected Status (TPS): If you're from a country that has been designated for TPS due to war, environmental disasters, or other extraordinary conditions, you may be able to stay in the U.S. temporarily.
Family-based Immigration: If you have family members who are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents, they may be able to sponsor you for a green card.
3. Seek Relief Through Immigration Relief Programs
Asylum: If you fear persecution in your home country, you may be eligible to apply for asylum in the U.S. However, you need to apply within one year of arrival unless you qualify for an exception.
U-Visa (for victims of crime): If you’ve been a victim of certain crimes and cooperated with law enforcement, you may be eligible for a U-Visa, which grants legal status and the ability to work.
T-Visa (for trafficking victims): Similar to the U-Visa, this applies to those who have been victims of human trafficking.
4. Stay Low Profile
While it’s not a legal strategy, some undocumented individuals try to stay under the radar by avoiding situations that may bring them into contact with immigration enforcement. This could mean avoiding criminal activities, staying away from ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) operations, and being cautious about interactions that might expose your status.
5. Possible Defence in Immigration Court
There are a number of possible defences that might allow you to stay in the U.S., including:
Cancellation of Removal: If you’ve lived in the U.S. for a certain number of years, you have good moral character, and your removal would cause extreme hardship to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident family member, you may be eligible for this form of relief.
Adjustment of Status: If you are eligible to become a lawful permanent resident through family or employment, you may be able to apply for a green card even if you're undocumented.
6. Work with an Immigration Lawyer
Consulting with an experienced immigration lawyer can be one of the most crucial steps you take. An attorney can help you:
Assess your eligibility for relief from deportation
Guide you through the process of applying for asylum, TPS, or other forms of relief
Represent you in immigration court
Help you understand the complexities of your situation and advise you on your best course of action
7. Consider Local and State Protections
Some states and cities have local ordinances or laws that protect undocumented immigrants from deportation, at least in certain circumstances. "Sanctuary cities" or places with "welcoming policies" may limit local law enforcement's cooperation with ICE. You can learn more about where you live to see if there are specific protections or resources available in your area.
8. Stay Away from Fraudulent Immigration Schemes
Be cautious of people who promise to "fix" your immigration status for a fee. Many fraudsters prey on undocumented immigrants, promising to help them avoid deportation or gain legal status. Only a licensed immigration lawyer can provide reliable, legal assistance.
9. If Detained, Know How to Respond
If you are detained by ICE or another immigration authority:
Remain calm and assert your right to an attorney.
Do not sign any documents without understanding what they mean.
Contact a lawyer as soon as possible to explore your options for release and fighting deportation.
Ultimately, while avoiding deportation might seem daunting, understanding your rights, exploring all available legal avenues, and seeking expert advice from a lawyer are key steps you can take.'
chat gpt
Saturday, November 16, 2024
In Spanish. I am an undocumented resident of the USA. How can I avoid deportation?
Si eres un residente indocumentado en los Estados Unidos, es importante conocer tus derechos y las opciones legales disponibles para evitar la deportación. Aunque cada situación es única, aquà te dejo algunos consejos generales. Sin embargo, es fundamental que consultes con un abogado especializado en inmigración para recibir asesorÃa personalizada.
1. Conoce tus derechos
Derecho a permanecer en silencio: Si te detienen las autoridades de inmigración o la policÃa, no tienes que responder preguntas sobre tu estatus migratorio.
Derecho a un abogado: Si eres detenido o enfrentas un proceso de deportación, tienes derecho a ser representado por un abogado, aunque deberás pagar por sus servicios, a menos que califiques para asistencia legal gratuita.
Debido proceso: Tienes derecho a una audiencia ante un juez de inmigración antes de ser deportado.
2. Mantente informado sobre los cambios legales
Las leyes de inmigración en los EE.UU. cambian con frecuencia, por lo que es importante estar al tanto de posibles reformas o medidas ejecutivas que podrÃan ofrecer alivio a las personas indocumentadas. Algunas de las opciones disponibles incluyen:
Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA): Si llegaste a los EE.UU. siendo niño, podrÃas calificar para el programa DACA, que proporciona un alivio temporal contra la deportación y autorización de trabajo.
Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS): Si eres originario de un paÃs que ha sido designado para TPS debido a condiciones extraordinarias (como desastres naturales o conflictos armados), podrÃas calificar para permanecer en los EE.UU. de manera temporal.
Inmigración basada en la familia: Si tienes familiares que son ciudadanos estadounidenses o residentes permanentes, ellos podrÃan patrocinarte para obtener la residencia legal (green card).
3. Explora opciones de alivio migratorio
Existen varios programas que podrÃan permitirte regularizar tu situación o quedarte en el paÃs legalmente:
Asilo: Si temes persecución en tu paÃs de origen por razones de raza, religión, nacionalidad, pertenencia a un grupo social especÃfico u opinión polÃtica, podrÃas calificar para solicitar asilo. Es importante presentar la solicitud dentro del primer año de tu llegada, salvo que califiques para alguna excepción.
Visa U (para vÃctimas de delitos): Si has sido vÃctima de ciertos crÃmenes (como violencia doméstica, tráfico de personas, entre otros) y has cooperado con la policÃa, podrÃas ser elegible para la visa U, que ofrece estatus legal y permiso de trabajo.
Visa T (para vÃctimas de trata de personas): Similar a la visa U, esta visa está dirigida a las personas que han sido vÃctimas de trata de personas.
4. Mantén un perfil bajo
Aunque no es una estrategia legal formal, algunos inmigrantes indocumentados intentan evitar llamar la atención de las autoridades manteniendo un perfil bajo. Esto implica evitar actividades que puedan ponerte en contacto con las autoridades de inmigración o la policÃa, como involucrarse en problemas legales o ser parte de investigaciones de ICE (Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas).
5. Posibles defensas en la corte de inmigración
Si te encuentras en proceso de deportación, existen algunas defensas que podrÃan ayudarte a quedarte en el paÃs:
Cancelación de remoción: Si has vivido en los EE.UU. durante un largo periodo, tienes buen carácter moral y tu deportación causarÃa un sufrimiento extremo a un familiar ciudadano estadounidense o residente permanente, podrÃas calificar para la cancelación de remoción.
Ajuste de estatus: Si eres elegible para convertirte en residente permanente legal a través de un familiar o un empleador, podrÃas poder solicitar una "green card", incluso si te encuentras en situación indocumentada.
6. Consulta con un abogado de inmigración
Un abogado especializado en inmigración es fundamental para evaluar todas las opciones legales disponibles para ti. El abogado puede:
Evaluar tu elegibilidad para obtener alivio de la deportación.
Guiarte a través del proceso de solicitud de asilo, TPS u otras formas de alivio.
Representarte en la corte de inmigración.
Ayudarte a entender los detalles de tu situación y aconsejarte sobre los próximos pasos.
7. Protecciones locales y estatales
Algunos estados y ciudades tienen leyes o polÃticas locales que protegen a los inmigrantes indocumentados de la deportación, al menos en ciertas circunstancias. Las "ciudades santuario" o aquellas con "polÃticas de acogida" pueden limitar la cooperación de las fuerzas del orden locales con ICE. Es útil investigar las leyes locales en tu área para ver si existen protecciones adicionales.
8. Evita caer en fraudes migratorios
Ten cuidado con personas que prometen "arreglar" tu estatus migratorio a cambio de una tarifa. Muchas veces, estas personas son estafadores que engañan a inmigrantes indocumentados con promesas falsas. Solo un abogado de inmigración licenciado puede ofrecerte asesorÃa legal confiable.
9. Si eres detenido, sabe cómo actuar
Si te detienen por ICE o por alguna otra autoridad migratoria:
Mantén la calma y ejerce tu derecho a pedir un abogado.
No firmes ningún documento sin comprender su contenido.
Contacta a un abogado lo más pronto posible para explorar las opciones de liberación y defensa contra la deportación.
Aunque la situación de ser indocumentado puede ser desafiante y estresante, comprender tus derechos, explorar todas las opciones legales disponibles y consultar con un abogado especializado son pasos cruciales para evitar la deportación. El camino hacia una posible regularización de tu estatus puede ser largo y complicado, pero no estás solo en este proceso, y existen recursos y mecanismos legales que pueden ayudarte.
I am an undocumented resident of the USA. How can I avoid deportation?
Being an undocumented resident in the U.S. can be very stressful, and avoiding deportation requires understanding your legal options and rights. While I can provide general information, it's important to consult with an immigration lawyer who can give you advice tailored to your specific situation. However, here are some strategies and things to consider:
1. Know Your Rights
Right to Remain Silent: You do not have to answer questions about your immigration status if you're stopped by immigration authorities or police.
Right to an Attorney: If you're detained or face removal proceedings, you have the right to an attorney, but you will have to pay for one unless you qualify for legal aid.
Due Process: You are entitled to a hearing before an immigration judge before being deported.
2. Stay Informed on Legal Changes
Immigration laws in the U.S. can change frequently, so it's crucial to stay updated on potential reforms or executive actions that could provide relief to undocumented individuals. For example:
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA): If you arrived in the U.S. as a child, you may qualify for DACA, which provides temporary relief from deportation and work authorization.
Temporary Protected Status (TPS): If you're from a country that has been designated for TPS due to war, environmental disasters, or other extraordinary conditions, you may be able to stay in the U.S. temporarily.
Family-based Immigration: If you have family members who are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents, they may be able to sponsor you for a green card.
3. Seek Relief Through Immigration Relief Programs
Asylum: If you fear persecution in your home country, you may be eligible to apply for asylum in the U.S. However, you need to apply within one year of arrival unless you qualify for an exception.
U-Visa (for victims of crime): If you’ve been a victim of certain crimes and cooperated with law enforcement, you may be eligible for a U-Visa, which grants legal status and the ability to work.
T-Visa (for trafficking victims): Similar to the U-Visa, this applies to those who have been victims of human trafficking.
4. Stay Low Profile
While it’s not a legal strategy, some undocumented individuals try to stay under the radar by avoiding situations that may bring them into contact with immigration enforcement. This could mean avoiding criminal activities, staying away from ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) operations, and being cautious about interactions that might expose your status.
5. Possible Defense in Immigration Court
There are a number of possible defenses that might allow you to stay in the U.S., including:
Cancellation of Removal: If you’ve lived in the U.S. for a certain number of years, you have good moral character, and your removal would cause extreme hardship to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident family member, you may be eligible for this form of relief.
Adjustment of Status: If you are eligible to become a lawful permanent resident through family or employment, you may be able to apply for a green card even if you're undocumented.
6. Work with an Immigration Lawyer
Consulting with an experienced immigration lawyer can be one of the most crucial steps you take. An attorney can help you:
Assess your eligibility for relief from deportation
Guide you through the process of applying for asylum, TPS, or other forms of relief
Represent you in immigration court
Help you understand the complexities of your situation and advise you on your best course of action
7. Consider Local and State Protections
Some states and cities have local ordinances or laws that protect undocumented immigrants from deportation, at least in certain circumstances. "Sanctuary cities" or places with "welcoming policies" may limit local law enforcement's cooperation with ICE. You can learn more about where you live to see if there are specific protections or resources available in your area.
8. Stay Away from Fraudulent Immigration Schemes
Be cautious of people who promise to "fix" your immigration status for a fee. Many fraudsters prey on undocumented immigrants, promising to help them avoid deportation or gain legal status. Only a licensed immigration lawyer can provide reliable, legal assistance.
9. If Detained, Know How to Respond
If you are detained by ICE or another immigration authority:
Remain calm and assert your right to an attorney.
Do not sign any documents without understanding what they mean.
Contact a lawyer as soon as possible to explore your options for release and fighting deportation.
Ultimately, while avoiding deportation might seem daunting, understanding your rights, exploring all available legal avenues, and seeking expert advice from a lawyer are key steps you can take.
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Friday, November 15, 2024
The United States of America is at War - We are losing
Trump is a Russian asset who works to defeat the United States from within by actively killing Americans and sabotaging our institutions. He is succeeding with both goals.
Here is my proof: I use the tried and true Duck Method of proof in strategy discussions - 'If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, flies like a duck and shits like a duck, it's a duck.' Readers may choose to doubt these assertions. Then, show real proof that contradicts them. Proof is fact only, opinions and emotions do not alter the facts.
War happens to you when your enemies attack you and kill your people and break your things. Countries attacking us today are Russia, China, North Korea and other tyrannies. Their common goal is to kill Americans and break our systems and our common purposes, and, destroy our ability to defend ourselves with armed forces.
Their targets include among others the Rule of Law, enforcement of the Rule of Law, pandemic response, military strength, fair elections and our trust in the media and government.
Killing Americans
Did he screw up the 2020 vaccination program on purpose? Regardless, his botched pandemic response in 2020 killed more than 500,000 Americans. A Russian atom bomb exploding over LA might kill a million Americans. It was a victory for Russia with zero shots fired.
Here is some context: An atom bomb detonated in an American city may kill a million people and injure thousands more. 'during World War II, American bombing raids on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9, 1945) that marked the first use of atomic weapons in war. Tens of thousands were killed in the initial explosions and many more would later succumb to radiation poisoning. On August 10, one day after the bombing of Nagasaki, the Japanese government issued a statement agreeing to accept the Allied surrender' [https://www.britannica.com/event/atomic-bombings-of-Hiroshima-and-Nagasaki]
'An interactive map designed by a nuclear bomb historian estimates more than 1.5 million people would die if an explosive like the one in Hiroshima was detonated in downtown LA.'[https://real923la.iheart.com/featured/la-local-news/content/2024-04-04-nuke-map-shows-the-devastation-of-a-nuclear-bomb-in-los-angeles/]
trump's kills: 'From March 1, 2020, through the end of 2020, there were 522,368 excess deaths in the United States, or 22.9% more deaths than would have been expected in that time period' [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistics_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_the_United_States]
Future Kills
Trump nominates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as head of the Department of Health and Human Services. [https://www.npr.org/2024/11/14/nx-s1-5188411/robert-kennedy-trump-administration-health]
His conviction that vaccines are harmful will mean that the next pandemic may kill another 500,000 or more Americans. It will be another atom bomb dropped on America. There are always new viruses and bacteria with pandemic potential. A national failure to control them vigorously will ensure hundreds of thousands of American deaths.
Breaking our systems
Rule of Law
'Aside from moral and intellectual principles, the rule of law is the foundation on which the security of property rests: there is a reason that foreign oligarchs park their money in democracies. And it is the international rules-based order that protects the freedom of the seas on which the movement of container ships, for example, depends.... Trump has made it clear that his goal for a second term is to toss overboard the rule of law and the international rules-based order, instead turning the U.S. government into a vehicle for his own revenge and forging individual alliances with autocratic rulers like Russian president Vladimir Putin.' Heather Cox Richardson Nov 14, 2024.
Apolitical Armed Forces
US military strength relies on the dedication of personnel to protect the Constitution. But, Nominee Pete Hegseth plans to install partisan politics into our Armed Forces and require officers to demonstrate political support of a President over the Constitution. That will undermine the morale and the effectiveness of US forces. This pleases our enemies
Attorney General and the Rule of Law
Trump nominated Matt Gaetz to become US Attorney General. He is a disgraced pedophile and he is under investigation for numerous crimes.
That nomination signals Americans that we cannot trust a government which has an accused pedophile as its Attorney General. Our enemies are delighted.
National Intelligence
He selects Tulsi Gabbard as national intelligence director.
She is a straight up Russian agent, Alex Wagner, MSNBC, Nov 14, 2024
Putin will have access to all our intelligence including names of our agents on Russian soil. Putin will kill them.
It is unclear whether Ms. Gabbard will have a difficult confirmation, but Democratic senators are expected to ask her about her decision to meet with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and her past embrace of Russian talking points.
Homeland Security
He nominates Kristi Noem to oversee US immigration and detention policies.
Our enemies love this because she is unpopular. She is hated because, among other things, she shot her own dog.
Pet murdering secretary of the Interior shows we are weak morally and delights our enemies
She defended her decision to shoot the dog, writing on social media: "We love animals, but tough decisions like this happen all the time on a farm."
He appoints Stephen Miller to deputy chief of staff for policy [https://www.newsweek.com/kristi-noem-homeland-security-secretary-donald-trump-republicans-1984173]
Miller is a full blown Nazi who will physically harm people he does not like. He might install death camps.
Forcing local police to cooperate with ICE in rounding up immigrants will harm the police's ability to secure information. Immigrant communities will become more afraid of detention if Police act as ICE. This will increase crime rates and reduce convictions. Our enemies are pleased.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Effective Resistance to the trump MAGATS
Whenever tyrants are in power, their speeches are disingenuous at best and straight up lies at other times.
Effective resistance to the trump MAGATS includes both calling out their lies and publicizing their actions.
Such a log of Federal actions should include an estimate of likely costs and benefits to specific, identifiable groups wherever possible For example, an entry might look like this: 'The tax cut trump proposed today likely will benefit high income tax payers by reducing the taxes they pay and also cost average taxpayer more taxes. A secondary cost harms the entire economy by causing an increase in the National debt in order to pay for the tax cuts.
Below is a list from CHATGPT:
There are several individuals, organizations, and outlets that keep detailed logs of former President Donald Trump's actions, particularly his policy decisions, executive orders, and day-to-day activities. These logs typically track not just his speeches, but also his administrative decisions, meetings, and other significant actions. Here are a few key entities involved in tracking and documenting his actions:
Independent Investigative Bodies & Reporters
Some investigative bodies and journalists maintain detailed logs of presidential actions through freedom of information requests and interviews. For example, ProPublica, Axios, and other independent outlets frequently publish detailed reports tracking Trump’s actions, particularly when it comes to policy changes, executive orders, and legal matters.
Congressional Investigations
Congressional committees, such as those investigating the events surrounding the January 6th attack, have kept detailed records of Trump’s actions and involvement in key events. These investigations often involve extensive logging of presidential decisions and communications.
Trump Administration White House Archives (Online)
The Trump White House website and the related archives include collections of public records, documents, and press releases that reflect the administration’s policy decisions and actions. While this is not exhaustive of every action, it is an official record of significant activities.
The Brookings Institution & Other Think Tanks
Research institutions like Brookings, the Cato Institute, and the Heritage Foundation maintain detailed analyses of presidential actions and often provide comprehensive reports on the Trump administration’s actions across various sectors—domestic policy, foreign policy, and more.
Media Organizations
Major news outlets such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Politico often maintain detailed timelines and logs of presidential actions, as well as in-depth reporting on policy decisions and political developments. These sources typically track significant actions, meetings, and events involving the president beyond his speeches.
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
NARA maintains presidential records, including logs of actions taken by the president. It houses materials such as memos, meeting notes, and any official records generated by the Trump administration, which could include logs of his actions (as opposed to speeches).
The Federal Register
This is the official journal of the U.S. government that records the actions of the president, including executive orders, proclamations, and significant regulatory actions. It’s an important resource for tracking official executive actions and decisions made by Trump during his time in office.
The White House
During his presidency, the White House itself kept records of his daily activities, meetings, decisions, and executive actions. These were often compiled into internal records such as briefing books or schedule logs, which were later accessible through official channels like the National Archives.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Here is the F#@&ING TRUTH
Because some of you MAGAT TRAITOR Senators and Representatives are bald-face cowards who will not think of disagreeing with Traitor trump, you place some of my family and me in mortal danger.
Their deaths will be on you. May you all rot in hell.
It is not about just the Constitution; it's also about the lives you want to take.
IMMIGRATION - some of my family are not yet citizens; we will fight you and your trolls violently.
You cowards will rip families apart just to be cruel. Prices of everything will go up since aliens do much of the work to feed and shelter us. Many WHITE AMERICAN BORN FAMILIES and others will be seriously hurt from price increases and may lose their homes and businesses. It is on you.
TARIFFS - Any new or higher tariffs will simply raise consumer prices and hurt all NATIVE BORN WHITE FAMILIES and others.
ABORTION - You will murder in cold blood more of my WHITE NATIVE BORN AMERICAN sisters, children and grandchildren and others. They will die from lack of health care which you have made illegal.
Many WHITE NATIVE BORN AMERICAN women and others have died already because YOU deny them medical care.
LGBT people - Leave them alone!! All the WHITE NATIVE BORN AMERICANS and others want is to love and be loved in return; but you MAGAT TRAITORS perform cruelty on them just because you can get away with it.
All of this, ALL OF THIS, serves ONLY to empower a racist, criminal traitor crybaby coward.
I cannot......
I could go on, but there is no need - you get the picture. And so do we.
You are all disgusting, evil people who deserve to die.
For Gods' sake, have some decency for once in your life. Stand up to the MAGAT TRAITOR.