Family Crest

Family Crest
Motto: I will never forget. [ Source HouseofNames ]

HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK - Moves forward to 2125 due to election of US President trump.

Estimate of the time that Humanity will go extinct or civilization will collapse. The HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK moves forward to 2125 due to US President trump's abandonment of climate change goals. Clock moved to 90 seconds to doom at December 2023. Apologies to Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists for using the name.


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Specific Country Economic Policy Analyses - More Than 50 Countries from Argentina to Yemen []


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Post Putin Plan for Russia

'There is a tide in the affairs of men,

Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

Omitted, all the voyage of their life

Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

On such a full sea are we now afloat,

And we must take the current when it serves,

Or lose our ventures.' 

Source: Wm. Shakespeare in Julius Caesar Act 4Scene 3Line 249

Russia today faces its arguably most consequential crossroads since 1918. 

Putin's tyranny has nearly run its course in Ukraine and, consequently, in Russia as well. The military is not effective, Moms are angry at the losses of nearly one million sons, Putin will die in the near future and there is no succession plan in place.  

A Russian failure to plan any transition may result in more misery and repression if another tyrant takes over - such a takeover may result in prolonging Putin's repressive policies.

However, Russia can make a different choice, a choice which would avoid that future. Russian power brokers [political, military, security, et al] can choose to install a representative government instead of a tyranny. After all, most Russians want to look to the West and perhaps join the European Union [EU]. There's a lot of hard work to create that future, but it can be done.

With proper planning Russia can emerge as a stable, prosperous member of the European Union. Great nations are great because their citizens are prosperous. [THE RISE AND FALL OF THE GREAT POWERS, Paul Kennedy, 1987, Random House New York.]

The good news is that choosing EU membership as a goal will install a sound economy, reduce political repression and assure Russia's power and influence at a time when Western Democracies including the United States have become so indebted to Oligarchs and thus frozen in policies that they will likely fall behind as Russia advances.

A country can become an official candidate for EU membership once it meets basic political, economic and reform criteria. It can then start formal negotiations on 35 chapters covering many different policy areas with the EU.

'In order to apply for EU membership, a country has to be European and respect the EU's democratic values. It also needs stable institutions guaranteeing democracy and the rule of law; a functioning market economy; and the ability to take on and carry out the obligations of the EU membership. Dec 6, 2023.'


Here are those detailed steps.


There are some prerequisites before making an EU application.

STEP 1: Establish a shadow Duma before Putin's demise using expat Russians who will meet and work on the EU Candidate process; and, begin writing a new Constitution. USA and EU can help organize and fund this. The shadow Duma can continue after Putin's demise until a newly elected Duma can meet. 

STEP 2: Create a Steering Committee to manage the process. This Committee will have vast authority but only for a limited time. It may require outside assistance to keep to the course. It will establish coordination with both top intelligence and military officials to secure their agreement they will accept subordination to civilian authority established pursuant to the new Constitution. Discharge those who refuse.

Step 3: Enact martial law to prevent violence, election interference and possible overthrow of new government. 

STEP 4: Conduct elections to the new Duma with international supervision ensuring election integrity.

STEP 4.  Nationalize all enterprises above an arbitrary limit such as 1,000 employees. The state will manage the enterprises. Later, the Duma can negotiate proposed acquisitions on a case-by-case basis with the objective of professional sustainable management and financial capacity

STEP 5. New government seeks outside cash assistance to endure that newly nationalized enterprises can meet their payroll until divested. Such assistance may take the form of loans to the State or firm. Loans to enterprises can be repaid upon a sale to private parties. 

STEP 6. Appoint judges who support the new government to all judicial posts. Ensure each judicial appointment requires a public impeachment in the Duma to be overturned or compromised.

STEP 7. Establish Civil Service board to establish required credentials for new employees select and install government employees. Ensure that all meetings of the Board will be publicly viewable. 

STEP 8. New Duma will establish areas of interest for business enterprise regulation; then, it will write appropriate regulations.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Documenting Russia's plan to subvert USA democracy:

Heather Cox Richardson  Oct 7


This morning began with a CNN headline story by fact checker Daniel Dale, titled “Six days of Trump lies about the Hurricane Helene response.” Dale noted that Republican nominee for president Donald Trump has been one of the chief sources of the disinformation that has badly hampered recovery efforts. 

Trump has claimed that the federal government is ignoring the storm’s victims, especially ones in Republican areas, and that the government is handing out only $750 in aid (in fact, the initial emergency payment for food and groceries is $750, but there are multiple grants available for home rebuilding up to a total of $42,500, the upper limit set by Congress). He has also claimed—falsely—that the Federal Emergency Management Agency is out of money to help because the administration spent all its money on Ukraine and undocumented immigrants.

Trump’s lies are not errors. They are part of a well-documented strategy to overturn democracy by using modern media to create a false political world. Voters begin to base their political decisions on that fake image, rather than on reality, and are manipulated into giving up control of their government to an authoritarian. 

Russian political theorists who were key to the rise of Russian president Vladimir Putin after the collapse of the Soviet Union called this manipulation “political technology.”

They developed a series of techniques to pervert democracy through this virtual political reality. They blackmailed opponents, abused state power to help favored candidates, sponsored “double” candidates with names similar to those of opponents in order to split the opposition vote and thus open the way for their own candidates, created false parties to further splinter the opposition, and, finally, created a false narrative around an election or other event that enabled them to control public debate.

Essentially, they perverted democracy, turning it from the concept of voters choosing their leaders into the concept of voters rubber-stamping the leaders they had been manipulated into backing.

This system made sense in former Soviet republics, where it enabled leaders to avoid the censorship that voters would recoil from by instead creating a firehose of news until people became overwhelmed by the task of trying to figure out what was real and simply tuned out. 

But it has also worked in the United States, where right-wing leaders have used it to divide the American people and spread disinformation. While “misinformation” is simply false information—which we all spread innocently and correct with accurate information—“disinformation” is a deliberate lie to convince people of things that are not true. 

Before the 2016 presidential election, Russian operatives working for Putin set out to tear the U.S. apart and thus undermine the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) they see as stopping the resurrection of Imperial Russia. They called for provoking “instability and separatism within the borders of the United States... encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts,... [and] support[ing] isolationist tendencies in American politics.” 

But they were not the only ones operating in this disinformation sphere. In 2014, then–Breitbart chief executive Steve Bannon explained to a right-wing Catholic group meeting at the Vatican that he believed traditional western civilization was fighting a war for survival. To win, current western-style civilizations must be completely reconfigured to put a few wealthy white Christian male leaders in charge to direct and protect subordinates. 

In that year, Bannon set out to dismantle the administrative state that was leveling the playing field among Americans and push Christian nationalism. With the help of funding from Republican megadonors Robert and Rebecca Mercer, he launched Cambridge Analytica, a company designed to develop profiles of individuals that would enable advertisers to group them for targeted advertising. Before the 2016 election, the company captured information from the Facebook profiles of more than 50 million users without their permission or knowledge, enabling it to flood the platform with targeted disinformation. 

Bannon became the chief executive officer of Trump’s 2016 campaign. He then served as chief strategist and senior counselor for the first eight months of Trump’s term, during which he worked to put MAGAs in power across the administration and across the country.

“The Democrats don’t matter,” Bannon told a reporter in 2018. “The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with sh*t.” Keeping listeners constantly trying to defend what is real from what is not destroys their ability to make sense of the world. Many people turn to a strongman who promises to create order. Others will get so exhausted they simply give up. As scholar of totalitarianism Hannah Arendt noted, authoritarians use this technique to destabilize a population.

Trump’s administration began with a foundational lie about the size of the crowd at his inauguration. Recent challenges to that assertion from Vice President Kamala Harris and former president Barack Obama rankled as badly as they did for Trump because that lie allowed Trump to define the public conversation. Forcing his supporters to commit to a lie that was demonstrably untrue locked them into accepting others throughout his presidency, for backing away would become harder and harder with each lie they accepted. 

Challenging that lie, as Harris and Obama did, challenged all those that came afterward, including the lie that Trump had been the true winner of the 2020 presidential election. Thanks to the October 2 filing by special counsel Jack Smith, we know that Trump was in almost daily communication with Bannon as he pushed that lie. 

Scholars of authoritarianism call a lie of such magnitude a “Big Lie,” a key propaganda tool associated with Nazi Germany. It is a lie so huge that no one can believe it is false. If leaders repeat it enough times, refusing to admit that it is a lie, people come to think it is the truth because surely no one would make up anything so outrageous.

In his autobiography Mein Kampf, or “My Struggle,” Adolf Hitler wrote that people were more likely to believe a giant lie than a little one because they were willing to tell small lies in their own lives but “would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.” Since they could not conceive of telling “colossal untruths…they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” He went on: “Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.”

The U.S. Office of Strategic Services had picked up on Hitler’s manipulation of his followers when it described Hitler’s psychological profile. It said, “His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”

The MAGA movement is now based in the Big Lie. Its leaders refuse to admit that Trump lost the 2020 election. Trump’s running mate, Ohio senator J.D. Vance, two days ago actually said Trump won, and as media figures more frequently ask the question of MAGA lawmakers, they continue to dodge it, as Arkansas senator Tom Cotton did today on NBC’s Meet the Press, and as House speaker Mike Johnson did on ABC News’s “This Week.”

Now, though, their lies about the federal response to Hurricane Helene show that they are completely committed to disinformation. As Will Bunch noted today in the Philadelphia Inquirer, when Vance lied again at the vice presidential debate about the legal status of the Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, and complained when moderator Margaret Brennan corrected him, he gave up the whole game. “Margaret,” Vance said, “the rules were that you guys weren’t going to fact-check.” He continued to argue until the moderators cut his microphone. 

Bunch points out that MAGA Republicans insist on the right to lie, considering any fact-checking “censorship,” a position to which Vance pivoted when Minnesota governor Tim Walz asked him if Trump won the 2020 election.   

Just as Russian political theorists advocated to overturn democracy, MAGA Republicans have created an alternative political reality, aided in large part by the disinformation spread on social media by X owner and Trump supporter Elon Musk. 

They continue to be aided by foreign operatives, as well. This morning, on CBS’s Face the Nation, Senate Intelligence Committee member Mark Kelly (D-AZ) warned, on the basis of information he has heard from the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the National Security Agency, that Russia, Iran, and China are generating about 20% to 30% of the political content and comments on social media.

But the largest purveyors of disinformation are homegrown.

Perhaps, though, the very real, immediate damage MAGA’s disinformation about Hurricane Helene is causing might finally be a step too far. In what is at least a muted rebuke to Trump, Republican governors across the damaged area have stepped up to praise President Joe Biden and the federal response to the disaster. 


John B. Dunlop, “Aleksandr Dugin's Foundations of Geopolitics,” paper available at

Quoted from “Joseph Goebbels: On the ‘Big Lie,’” Jewish Virtual Library,

Office of Strategic Services, A Psychological Analysis of Adolph Hitler: His Life and Legend, Walter C. Langer, CIA-RPDP78-02646R000600240001-5, Washington, D.C., August 24, 1999, p. 38.





Friday, October 4, 2024

Here is How We Cure Our MAGA Cancer

MAGA resembles a cancer-like virus which infects our body politic; and, it can kill us unless we take aggressive steps to stop it.

It is a disease; it is NOT a political movement or party. 

Cancer treatment typically includes both surgeries to remove any malignant cells as well as chemotherapy to prevent further spread of the disease. We can apply analogous tactics to the MAGA virus.

'Oct. 2 (UPI) -- War in the Middle East and political extremism within the United States mean there is a high threat of terrorism within the nation, the Department of Homeland Security announced Wednesday.' SEE IT HERE

The MAGA threat will survive after the election regardless of the eventual winners. 

Today foreign actors in Russia, China, Iran and elsewhere support our domestic terrorists by providing misinformation on various social media platforms. Some domestic terrorists are in prison today due to their criminal convictions resulting from their criminal acts on January 6, 2020.

The National Security of the United States is at risk today due to the cumulative effects of past and continuing support directed to our Domestic Terrorists from around the world.

It is time to ramp up our efforts to stop the attacks.


1. We should damage or destroy the physical equipment used by foreign and domestic actors to support our terrorists - servers, web sites, platforms, etc, etc, et al. The critical nature of the threats suggests that some actions be taken using physical destruction as well as cyber efforts. Our efforts may be considered illegal. We should do them anyway; our survival is at risk.

2. Social media platforms which allow these activities should be decommissioned. Platform owners should have the choice to stop the actions; if they fail to do so, the platform will be destroyed.

3. Web sites which traffic in terrorist propaganda should be disabled immediately. Apparently, some foreign actors have created bots which create thousands of such sites every week. It will require manpower to track all these sites and disable each and every one.


4. Sitting politicians who swear an oath to uphold the Constitution and refrain from supporting, engaging in or tolerating MAGA actions may be allowed to continue their offices. Those who refuse either of both oaths should be prosecuted and/or defeated in their next election.

5. Hire and coordinate many voices that can challenge and/or refute any MAGA assertion whenever and wherever it appears. It is the job of the poster to provide evidence of his claim, it is NOT the job of the rebutter to provide evidence unless it is easy and readily available.

Any statement without source data should be challenged immediately and evidence demanded. Any false evidence or evidence from a MAGA source, web site or social media platform should be refuted immediately with a demand for retraction or better sources data. 

Here is a collection of more generic and/or political activities resembling chemotherapy courtesy of Chat GPT

Preventing any group, including those affiliated with the MAGA movement, from interfering with the law requires a multifaceted approach that emphasizes accountability, education, and community engagement. Here are some strategies:

A. Strengthening Law Enforcement: Ensuring that law enforcement agencies are well-equipped and trained to handle disturbances and uphold the law impartially can deter interference.

B. Promoting Rule of Law: Reinforcing the importance of the rule of law through civic education can help communities understand the significance of respecting legal processes and institutions.

C. Open Dialogue: Encouraging open and respectful conversations across political divides can reduce tensions and misunderstandings, fostering a more cooperative environment.

D. Community Engagement: Building relationships between law enforcement and local communities can create trust and collaboration, making it easier to address potential conflicts.

E. Legal Consequences: Ensuring that there are clear legal consequences for unlawful acts can act as a deterrent. This includes enforcing laws consistently, regardless of political affiliation.

F. Media Literacy and Critical Thinking: Promoting critical thinking and media literacy can help individuals better evaluate information and reduce susceptibility to extreme ideologies.

G. Conflict Resolution Training: Offering training in conflict resolution and de-escalation techniques for community leaders and law enforcement can help address tensions before they escalate.

H. Monitoring and Accountability: Establishing oversight mechanisms to monitor potential interference in legal processes can help ensure accountability and transparency.

I. Promoting Nonviolent Advocacy: Encouraging peaceful and constructive forms of political expression can help mitigate confrontational behaviors.

J. Building Coalitions: Forming coalitions with diverse community groups can create a united front that emphasizes the importance of lawful conduct and mutual respect.

Ultimately, fostering an environment where respect for the law is paramount, and open dialogue is encouraged can help mitigate interference from any group.


Monday, September 23, 2024







Here is the NYT on the GOP plan. 

The  Constitution establishes clearly the succession procedures in the event the election remains undecided past the specified times.

Since we have clarity about the succession process, then it appears likely that the GOP will use the indecision of an uncertified election to foment violence similar to the violence they created on January 6, 2021. Their goal will be to overthrow the government so they can seize control.

We cannot allow that. 

We should very sure to count every vote before inaugurating a new President.

The law states this:

'If Congress does not certify the vote for President of the United States, the situation is handled according to the 12th Amendment and the procedures outlined in the Electoral Count Act of 1887. If Congress fails to certify the electoral vote, the process to resolve the issue is as follows:

    Role of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate: If no President has been elected by the time the new Congress convenes on January 3rd, the President pro tempore of the Senate, who is third in the line of presidential succession, would be next in line to assume the role of acting President. This position is typically held by the longest-serving member of the majority party in the Senate.

    If a President is not elected by January 20: According to the 20th Amendment, if there is no President elected and inaugurated by January 20th, the Vice President-elect would assume the role of Acting President until a President is officially elected.

    Contingency Procedure: In the absence of a certification of electoral votes and no President or Vice President in place, the Speaker of the House of Representatives would become the Acting President. This would be a temporary solution until the issue of the certification of the electoral vote is resolved.

For a detailed understanding, you can refer to the following sources:

    12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

    Electoral Count Act of 1887'

Courtesy ChatGTP August 11, 2024

Sunday, September 22, 2024

UPDATE: NOW IT'S CLIMBED TO 700; 100 National Security People Support Harris

100 National Security people support Harris, many are GOP.

The full list and Text here

Now it's climbed to 700, as per the NYT:

Monday, September 2, 2024

Why Labor Day

Historian Heather Cox Richardson, Sep 2

 'Almost one hundred and forty-two years ago, on September 5, 1882, workers in New York City celebrated the first Labor Day holiday with a parade. The parade almost didn’t happen: there was no band, and no one wanted to start marching without music. Once the Jewelers Union of Newark Two showed up with musicians, the rest of the marchers, eventually numbering between 10,000 and 20,000 men and women, fell in behind them to parade through lower Manhattan. At noon, when they reached the end of the route, the march broke up and the participants listened to speeches, drank beer, and had picnics. Other workers joined them.

Their goal was to emphasize the importance of workers in the industrializing economy and to warn politicians that they could not be ignored. 

Less than 20 years before, northern men had fought a war to defend a society based on free labor and had, they thought, put in place a government that would support the ability of all hardworking men to rise to prosperity. But for all that the war had seemed to be about defending men against the rise of an oligarchy that intended to reduce all men to a life of either enslavement or wage labor, the war and its aftermath had pushed workers’ rights backward.   

The drain of men to the battlefields and the western mines during the war resulted in a shortage of workers that kept unemployment low and wages high. Even when they weren’t, the intense nationalism of the war years tended to silence the voices of labor organizers. “It having been resolved to enlist with Uncle Sam for the war,” one organization declared when the war broke out, “this union stands adjourned until either the Union is safe, or we are whipped.” 

Another factor working against the establishment of labor unions during the war was the tendency of employers to claim that striking workers were deliberately undercutting the war effort. They turned to the government to protect production, and in industries like Pennsylvania's anthracite coal fields, government leaders sent soldiers to break budding unions and defend war production.

During the war, government contracting favored those companies that could produce big orders of the mule shoes, rifles, rain slickers, coffee, and all the other products that kept the troops supplied. The owners of the growing factories grew wealthy on government contracts, even as conditions in the busy factories deteriorated. While wages were high during the war, they were often paid in greenbacks, which were backed only by the government’s promise to pay. 

While farmers and some entrepreneurs thrived during the war, urban workers and miners had reason to believe that employers had taken advantage of the war to make money off them. After the war, they began to strike for better wages and safer conditions. In August 1866, 60,000 people met as the National Labor Union in Baltimore, Maryland, where they called for an eight-hour workday. Most of those workers calling for organization simply wanted a chance to rise to comfort, but the resolutions developed by the group’s leaders after the convention declared that workers must join unions to reform the abuses of the industrial system. 

To many of those who thought the war would create a country where hard work would mean success, the resolutions seemed to fly in the face of that harmony, echoing the southern enslavers by dividing the world into people of wealth and workers, and asking for government intervention, this time on the side of workers. Republicans began to redefine their older, broad concept of workers to mean urban unskilled or semi-skilled wage laborers specifically.

Then in 1867, a misstep by Senator Benjamin Wade of Ohio made the party step back from workers. Wade had been a cattle drover and worked on the Erie Canal before studying law and entering politics, and he was a leader among those who saw class activism as the next step in the party’s commitment to free labor. His fiery oratory lifted him to prominence, and in March 1867 the Senate chose him its president pro tempore, in effect making him the nation’s acting vice president in those days before there was a process for replacing a vice president who had stepped into the presidency.

Wade joined a number of senators on a trip to the West, and in Lawrence, Kansas, newspapers reported—possibly incorrectly—that Wade predicted a fight in America between labor and capital. “Property is not equally divided,” the reporter claimed Wade said, “and a more equal distribution of capital must be worked out.” Congress, which Wade now led, had done much for ex-slaves and must now address “the terrible distinction between the man that labors and him that does not.”

Republican newspapers were apoplectic. The New York Times claimed that Wade was a demagogue. Every hard worker could succeed in America, it wrote. “Laborers here can make themselves sharers in the property of the country,—can become capitalists themselves,—just

as nine in ten of all the capitalists in the country have done so before them,—by industry, frugality, and intelligent enterprise.” Trying to get rich by force of law would undermine society.

Congress established an eight-hour day for federal employees in June 1868, but in that year’s election, voters turned Wade, and others like him, out of office. In 1869, Republican president Ulysses S. Grant issued a proclamation saying that the eight-hour workday of "laborers, workmen, and mechanics" would not mean cuts in wages.

Then, in spring 1871, in the wake of the Franco-Prussian War, workers took over the city of Paris and established the Paris Commune. The transatlantic cable had gone into operation in 1866, and American newspapers had featured stories of the European war. Now, hungry for dramatic stories, they plastered details of the Commune on their front pages, describing it as a propertied American’s worst nightmare. They highlighted the murder of priests, the burning of the Tuileries Palace, and the bombing of buildings by crazed women who lobbed burning bottles of newfangled petroleum through cellar windows. 

The Communards were a “wild, reckless, irresponsible, murderous mobocracy” who planned to confiscate all property and transfer all money, factories, and land to associations of workmen, American newspapers wrote. In their telling, the Paris Commune brought to life the chaotic world the elite enslavers foresaw when they said it was imperative to keep workers from politics. 

Scribner’s Monthly warned in italics: “the interference of ignorant labor with politics is dangerous to society.” Famous reformer Charles Loring Brace looked at the rising numbers of industrial workers and the conditions of city life, and warned Americans, “In the judgment of one who has been familiar with our ‘dangerous classes’ for twenty years, there are just the same explosive social elements beneath the surface of New York as of Paris.”

At the same time, it was also clear that wealthy industrialists were gaining more and more control over both state and local governments. In 1872 the Credit Mobilier scandal broke. This was a complicated affair, and what had actually happened was almost certainly misrepresented, but it seemed to show congressmen taking bribes from railroad barons, and Americans were ready to believe that they were doing so. Then, in July 1877, after the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad cut wages 20 percent and strikers shut down most of the nation’s railroads, President Rutherford B. Hayes sent U.S. soldiers to the cities immobilized by the strikes. It seemed industrialists had the Army at their beck and call.

By 1882, factories and the fortunes they created had swung the government so far toward men of capital that it seemed there was more room for workingmen to demand their rights. By the 1880s, even the staunchly Republican Chicago Tribune complained about the links between business and government: “Behind every one of half of the portly and well-dressed members of the Senate can be seen the outlines of some corporation interested in getting or preventing legislation,” it wrote. The Senate, Harper’s Weekly noted, was “a club of rich men.” 

The workers marching in New York City in the first Labor Day celebration in 1882 carried banners saying: “Labor Built This Republic and Labor Shall Rule it,” “Labor Creates All Wealth,” “No Land Monopoly,” “No Money Monopoly,” “Labor Pays All Taxes,” “The Laborer Must Receive and Enjoy the Full Fruit of His Labor,” ‘Eight Hours for a Legal Day’s Work,” and “The True Remedy is Organization and the Ballot.” 

Two years later, workers helped to elect Democrat Grover Cleveland to the White House. A number of Republicans crossed over to support the reformer, afraid that, as he said, “The gulf between employers and the employed is constantly widening, and classes are rapidly forming, one comprising the very rich and powerful, while in another are found the toiling poor…. Corporations, which should be the carefully restrained creatures of the law and the servants of the people, are fast becoming the people's masters.” 

In 1888, Cleveland won the popular vote by about 100,000 votes, but his Republican opponent, Benjamin Harrison, won in the Electoral College. Harrison promised that his would be “A BUSINESS MAN’S ADMINISTRATION” and said that “before the close of the present Administration business men will be thoroughly well content with it….” 

Businessmen mostly were, but the rest of the country wasn’t. In November 1892 a Democratic landslide put Cleveland back in office, along with the first Democratic Congress since before the Civil War. As soon as the results of the election became apparent, the Republicans declared that the economy would collapse. Harrison’s administration had been “beyond question the best business administration the country has ever seen,” one businessmen’s club insisted, so losing it could only be a calamity. “The Republicans will be passive spectators,” the Chicago Tribune noted. “It will not be their funeral.” People would be thrown out of work, but “[p]erhaps the working classes of the country need such a lesson….”

As investors rushed to take their money out of the U.S. stock market, the economy collapsed a few days before Cleveland took office in early March 1893. Trying to stabilize the economy by enacting the proposals capitalists wanted, Cleveland and the Democratic Congress had to abandon many of the pro-worker policies they had promised, and the Supreme Court struck down the rest (including the income tax).

They could, however, support Labor Day and its indication of workers’ political power. On June 28, 1894, Cleveland signed Congress’s bill making Labor Day a legal holiday. Each year, the first Monday in September would honor the country’s workers.  

In Chicago the chair of the House Labor Committee, Lawrence McGann (D-IL), told the crowd gathered for the first official observance: “Let us each Labor day, hold a congress and formulate propositions for the amelioration of the people. Send them to your Representatives with your earnest, intelligent indorsement [sic], and the laws will be changed.”

Happy Labor Day.


New York Times, July 1, 1867, p. 4. 

New York Times, July 9, 1867, p. 4.

New York Times, September 6, 1882, p. 8.

New York Times, September 6, 1882, p. 4.

New York Daily Tribune, September 7, 1882, p. 4.

Grace Palladino, Another Civil War: Labor, Capital, and the State in the Anthracite Regions of Pennsylvania, 1840–1868 (Fordham University Press, 2006).

Mark Wilson, The Business of Civil War: Military Mobilization and the State, 1861–1865 (Johns Hopkins, 2006). 

Brace quotation is from Robert M. Fogelson, America’s Armories: Architecture, Society and Public Order (Harvard University Press, 1989).

Frank Norton, “Our Labor System and the Chinese,” Scribner’s Monthly 2 (May 1871).

Chicago Tribune quoted in Harper’s Weekly, February 9, 1884, p, 86.

New York Times, November 10, 1892, p. 8. Statement from the Commercial Travelers’ Republican Club, quoted in Chicago Tribune, November 1, 1892, p. 2. Chicago Tribune, November 14, 1892, p. 2. Senator Teller, quoted in New York Times, November 15, 1892, p. 1. Washington Post, February 16, 1893, p. 7. Chicago Tribune, November 21, 1892, p. 4. Chicago Tribune, November 11, 1892, p. 4. Chicago Tribune, November 13, 1892, p. 4.

Grover Cleveland, Fourth Annual Message, December 3, 1888, at'

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Generals, Republicans Support Harris/Walz


GOP Alums and some retired Generals come out against the current GOP candidate.

Click below for a link to the letter and signatory list.

Bush, McCain, and Romney Alumni for Harris Statement

Sunday, August 11, 2024

GOP Playbook for November

 As discussed below, our Constitution establishes clearly the succession procedures in the event the election remains undecided past the specified times.

Since we have clarity about the succession process, then it appears likely that the GOP will use the indecision of an uncertified election to foment violence similar to the violence they created on January 6, 2021. Their goal will be to overthrow the government so they can seize control.

We cannot allow that. 

We should very sure to count every vote before inaugurating a new President.

The law states this:

'If Congress does not certify the vote for President of the United States, the situation is handled according to the 12th Amendment and the procedures outlined in the Electoral Count Act of 1887. If Congress fails to certify the electoral vote, the process to resolve the issue is as follows:

    Role of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate: If no President has been elected by the time the new Congress convenes on January 3rd, the President pro tempore of the Senate, who is third in the line of presidential succession, would be next in line to assume the role of acting President. This position is typically held by the longest-serving member of the majority party in the Senate.

    If a President is not elected by January 20: According to the 20th Amendment, if there is no President elected and inaugurated by January 20th, the Vice President-elect would assume the role of Acting President until a President is officially elected.

    Contingency Procedure: In the absence of a certification of electoral votes and no President or Vice President in place, the Speaker of the House of Representatives would become the Acting President. This would be a temporary solution until the issue of the certification of the electoral vote is resolved.

For a detailed understanding, you can refer to the following sources:

    12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

    Electoral Count Act of 1887'

Courtesy ChatGTP August 11, 2024

Friday, August 9, 2024

Bring Back The Equal Time Rule

The Equal Time Rule, part of the U.S. Communications Act of 1934, was designed to ensure that broadcasters provide equal opportunities for political candidates to reach the public. However, this rule was repealed in 2014 by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). As a result, the Equal Time Rule no longer applies, and there are no penalties for violations related to it under current regulations.

Historically, the penalties for violating the Equal Time Rule included:

    Fines: Broadcasters could face monetary fines imposed by the FCC.

    License Sanctions: The FCC could impose sanctions on a broadcaster's license, which might include suspension or revocation.

    Compliance Orders: The FCC could issue orders requiring broadcasters to comply with the rule and take corrective actions.

For information on the history and specifics of the Equal Time Rule, you can refer to:

    Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Official Website: FCC Equal Time Rule

    Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute: Communications Act of 1934

Since the rule was repealed, broadcasters now have more flexibility regarding political programming but should be aware of other regulations and guidelines governing political advertising and programming.

Source:  Chat GPT question: what are the penalties for media which violates the equal time regulation and provide sources

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Harris Meets Realpolitik


'Realpolitik is the approach of conducting diplomatic or political policies based primarily on considerations of given circumstances and factors, rather than strictly following ideological, moral, or ethical premises. In this respect, it shares aspects of its philosophical approach with those of realism and pragmatism. Wikipedia.'


It is time to step back and simulate the Presidential election of 2024 transfer of power. 

trump and MAGA forces may try to delay the Constitutional election certification so that the newly elected President cannot take office,  either permanently or until all the votes are certified. Several States already have installed MAGA supporters in the election certificating process. They may succeed in preventing a certification as required by the Constitution in a timely manner; it is likely that any votes so challenged will be for Harris.  If that happens, trump may claim the he is the rightful winner and demand that his forces seize the White House. MAGA has shown they do not abide by the rules of law. 

If Biden/Harris choose to follow a strict interpretation of the laws, they may hand the office to trump. This is a terrible idea; it will end permanently our elected Republic.

Biden and Harris should not concede the election under any circumstances, if that concession may install trump as POTUS. At the very least, they should not leave the office until ALL votes are counted and certified and trump is the Electoral College winner. Harris most likely will have a significant majority of the popular votes, but there may be some questions about the Electoral College votes.


Tyrannical forces test every President to see what she/he is made of: 

Harris WILL face a challenge to the United States that shows whether she values life more than our National Interests.

If she chooses to spare a life instead of taking a life, then tyrants will understand that she is vulnerable. If she chooses to take a life, then she will be recognized as a leader. 


Here is a story about Poland in WW II that we forget at our peril. NSFW, courtesy of historian James Fell.

'James Fell. Poster based in Canada

The European theatre of World War II began in September of 1939 with the fucking Nazi invasion of Poland. On a per-capita basis, Poland lost more people in the war than any other independent nation, a whopping 17% of the population killed. Five years after the invasion, a heroic but ultimately doomed uprising in Warsaw against Nazi occupation began. 

--On This Day in History Shit Went Down: August 1, 1944--

In the summer of 1944 things were not going well for the fucking Nazis. The Western Allies had established a solid beachhead in France and were moving inland, and on the Eastern front those Nazi assbuckets were dropping like cicadas after a mating frenzy. With the Nazi dick towels in retreat out of Poland and the Soviet Red Army camped just outside the city, the Polish Resistance decided it was time for some motherfucking payback. 

But it was also political. The Polish resistance were fans of the democratic Polish government, which was in exile in London. With the Soviets ready to “liberate” Warsaw, Poles didn’t want to trade one oppressive external ruler for another. So on August 1, 1944, they said fuck it we’re taking this city back ourselves. Despite being poorly supplied, the Poles had early victories against those Nazi fucks. But that murderous mass of manatee mucus Adolf Hitler said oh hell nein and sent in reinforcements to fight the uprising. 

What followed was brutal street-to-street fighting. With superior weaponry, the fucking Nazis crushed the rebellion. Meanwhile, the Soviets sat just outside the city and watched it happen, doing nothing to help the Poles. The battle lasted two months, and despite pleas from Churchill to Stalin to get off his ass and do something, it’s near certain Stalin ordered his Red Army to allow the Polish resistance to be crushed so that when they moved in and kicked out the fucking Nazis there would be little resistance to the USSR setting up a communist puppet state in Poland. Because that’s exactly what they did. 

The British and U.S. tried to help the beleaguered rebels with air drops of supplies, but it wasn’t enough. Approximately 16,000 members of the Polish resistance were killed and around 200,000 Polish citizens lost their lives in the uprising. Most of the civilian deaths were due to mass executions carried out by fucking Nazis. Warsaw was almost completely destroyed, and another 700,000 fled the city. 

The Soviets had encouraged the uprising just two days before it began, sending out a radio broadcast, saying “Fight the Germans!” and that they were “all together” to “pursue the enemy westwards.” Some historians are Stalin apologists, saying there was intense fighting elsewhere on the Eastern Front and so the Red Army was too busy to stop a mass murder of Warsaw citizens. Knowing Stalin’s reputation, however, I can totally see that maniacal dickcheese purposely withholding support so he could control the city more easily after the war. 


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The United States of America Does Not Negotiate With Terrorists

Terrorist trump and his GOP have announced they will try, through election officials they have placed in state and local governments already, to prevent the certification of the election in November.

This is an existential challenge to the United States of America. 

While we want to uphold the law to the letter, we cannot allow Terrorist trump and the terrorist GOP to occupy any consequential office of the United States. 

In the event that the election cannot be certified according to the Constitution, then Biden and Harris should refuse to hand over the Presidency until and unless the election is certified according to the law. 

There will be numerous matters of fact and law available to provide the justification for the refusal. 

The moral imperative is simply this: Terrorist trump refuses to acknowledge the law and have and will ignore the law in the future.

Therefore, we are justified to refuse to bend to his will.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Joe from Scranton

You are a good man and a man of honour.

You have allowed billions of people to feel hope. 

I am proud to be American because of you.

Americans are grateful.

Thank you.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

National Self-Defense

There can be little doubt by any serious observer that trump and the GOP have become terrorist organizations dedicated to the overthrow of the United States of America by whatever means they choose.

They use the rights we reserve for citizens and lawful residents as tools to further their campaign of destruction. You can read a comprehensive discussion of those rights here: []

Because they refuse to accept the rule of law when it goes against their plans and instead conduct actions to destroy that system, they are an existential threat to our country. 

They forfeit their protections from harm granted by the Constitution to citizens.

Under International law, we have the right and the duty to end their threat by any means necessary, whether those means are legal or not.

They have become Enemies of the State: 'An enemy of the state is a person accused of certain crimes against the state, such as treason. Describing individuals in this way is sometimes a manifestation of political repression. For example, an authoritarian regime may purport to maintain national security by describing social or political dissidents as "enemies of the state". In other cases, the individual in question may have legitimately endangered the country and/or its population. For example, a double agent selling military or intelligence secrets could undermine a nation's security, and could therefore be considered an enemy not of just a person or entity within a state, but the state itself and all entities therein.' []

'The Insurrection Act of 1807, codified in Title 10 of U.S. Code, §§ 251-254, authorizes the President, with certain checks, to use force in the event “unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any States by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings.” Again, this precedes the “domestic enemies” concept by decades.'

'Article 51 has been interpreted to incorporate the inherent rules of self-defense under customary international law, which provide that self-defense must be necessary and proportionate to the aggression. When a state faces an imminent attack, it may have a right to act in anticipatory self-defense.'

“Even in the context of an armed conflict against an armed group, the government may use lethal force only against individuals who are directly participating in hostilities against the United States,” the group says on its website. “Regardless of the context, whenever the government uses lethal force, it must take all possible steps to avoid harming civilian bystanders.” American Civil Liberties Union, 


'A state can use force to defend against an internal enemy under certain circumstances, typically involving threats to its sovereignty, security, or stability. Here are some general principles and situations when this might apply:

    Internal Armed Insurrection or Rebellion: If there is an armed uprising or rebellion within the state that threatens the authority of the government and the rule of law, the state may use force to restore order and protect its institutions.

    Terrorism: States may use force to combat terrorist activities that pose a significant threat to public safety, infrastructure, or national security.

    Civil War: In cases where there is a widespread breakdown of law and order leading to civil war or large-scale violence, the state may use force to maintain or restore control over its territory and population.

    Protection of Citizens: When the state is unable to ensure the safety and security of its citizens from internal threats, it may use force to protect them.

    Defending Constitutional Order: If an internal enemy seeks to overthrow the constitutional order or democratic processes of the state, the government may use force to defend these principles.' Search results by ChatGTP.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Hey Joe:

Here's an idea: Take Kamala everywhere and introduce her as a critical part of your decision making team. Let her answer half the questions you get. 

'Hello everybody. I want you to know that as President I have your back!

And, Kamala has mine !

You know, the Presidency is not a one man show ! My team, and especially my Vice President, are all among the best America has. 

I am honored and privileged to work with them all.

So, if you see me stutter on occasion, remember that we are a team. !

Even if God calls me home, Kamala and our team will carry out the policies we have established to restore America 'with justice and Liberty for ALL'

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Project 2025 Brings Death to Americans


Some supporters of Project 2025 may think they will be safe from the trumptyrant because they think he will be loyal to them.

He will not; they are deluded.

The future is already here in Russia - read whom Tyrant Putin has already murdered:

Project 2025 will bring darkness and death to America.....

Project 2025 installs a tyrant as President; he will be able to STEAL YOUR WEALTH.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hey Joe: We trust your judgment.

 Hey Joe:

We love you and we have your back. 

We trust your judgment.

I make a request: When you consider staying in the race or leaving it, please ask a gerontologist about your prospects for the next term. 

It's your decision but our lives ride on it. 

Choose wisely with the next four years in mind.

Your geezer pal....

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Western Democracies Under Constant Attack

Moscow Center takes a long view and the election upsets in England, France and elsewhere confirm their political interference strategy, as explained brilliantly by Heather Cox Richardson below.

The Center will continue to foment political instability in their hope that Western Democracies eventually will fall and be replaced by tyrannies. They will spend vast amounts of money in those attempts.

The Congress of the United States of America will be wise to create a law or laws which require criminal prosecution of any citizen or foreign agent who funds politically disruptive actions or groups seeking the demise of our Rule of Law. 

I think it unwise to provide Moscow Center with the means to pursue their strategy. It is a matter of National Security and national survival that we prosecute them vigorously. Groups which use the Rule of Law to overthrow that same rule do not deserve the benefits of that rule. 

Heather Cox Richardson, Jul 8 2024


I have spent the weekend struggling mightily with a new manuscript and have had little time to study the news.

The most notable event from the day is that in a stunning upset, French voters have rejected members of Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party in legislative elections. After the first round of votes, National Rally candidates appeared to be comfortably ahead, but left-wing and centrist candidates combined forces to prevent splitting the vote, and voters then flooded the polls to elect the candidates that coalition fielded. 

Le Pen has said her policies are the same ones advanced by Russian president Vladimir Putin and former president Trump. 

On Thursday, elections in the United Kingdom saw a landslide victory for the center-left Labour Party for the first time in 14 years. Lauren Frayer and Fatima Al-Kassab of NPR noted that it was the worst defeat for the Conservatives in their almost 200-year history. 

There are always many factors that go into any election, but these results at least raise the question of whether western politicians are finding effective ways to counter the techniques of Russian disinformation. France has been flooded with Russian disinformation trying to create divisions in society as Putin seeks to break European support for Ukraine. Russia openly supports Le Pen.    

The U.K. also has been similarly flooded with Russian disinformation for years now. Russian trolls lie on social media websites and populate the comments sections of popular websites both to end support for Ukraine and to exploit wedge issues to split people apart.

These efforts were part of what Russian political theorists called “political technology”: the construction of a virtual political reality through modern media. Political theorists developed several techniques in this approach to politics: blackmailing opponents, abusing state power to help favored candidates, sponsoring “double” candidates with names similar to those of opponents in order to confuse voters on the other side and thus open the way for their own candidates, creating false parties to split the opposition, and, finally, creating a false narrative around an election or other event in order to control public debate.

These techniques perverted democracy, turning it from the concept of voters choosing their leaders into the concept of voters rubber-stamping the leaders they had been manipulated into backing.

This system made sense in former Soviet republics, where it enabled leaders to avoid the censorship that voters would recoil from by instead creating a firehose of news until people became overwhelmed by the task of trying to figure out what was real and simply tuned out. But those techniques dovetailed with the rhetoric of homegrown far-right figures as well.

It has always been a question what people who have embraced a virtual world will do when they figure out that the narrative on which they have based their government is fake. It seems possible that they create centrist coalitions and turn out to vote in huge numbers to reassert control over their politics and their country. 

The United States has had a similarly contentious relationship with political technology, Russian disinformation, and far-right leaders echoing that disinformation as they seek to take power by dividing the American people.

And long before anyone had begun to call disinformation political technology, the United States had a small group of elite enslavers seeking to take control of the nation by hammering on their narrative that the only true basis for society was racial slavery and using racism to divide their opponents. 

When they managed to get Congress and the Supreme Court to give them the right to move slavery into the American West, where new slave states could work with southern slave states to make slavery national, voters woke up. Disagreeing about immigration, internal improvements, public education, tariffs, and finance—all hot-button issues in the 1850s—they nonetheless built a centrist coalition to stop elite enslavers from replacing democracy with an oligarchy. 

Indeed, their coalition was so effective that Illinois senator Stephen A. Douglas, who had sponsored the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act that permitted enslavement to move west, objected that it was unseemly for abolitionists who opposed human enslavement in principle to work with those like Illinois lawyer Abraham Lincoln, who focused on the Constitution and argued that it protected enslavement in the slave states. 

In 1854, Lincoln answered Douglas: “Our Senator…objects that those who oppose him in this measure do not entirely agree with one another…. [H]e…says it is not quite fair to oppose him in this variety of ways. He should remember that he took us by surprise—astounded us—by this measure. We were thunderstruck and stunned; and we reeled and fell in utter confusion. But we rose each fighting, grasping whatever he could first reach—a scythe—a pitchfork—a chopping axe, or a butcher's cleaver. We struck in the direction of the sound; and we are rapidly closing in upon him. He must not think to divert us from our purpose, by showing us that our drill, our dress, and our weapons, are not entirely perfect and uniform. When the storm shall be past, he shall find us still Americans; no less devoted to the continued Union and prosperity of the country than heretofore.” 

Six years later, that coalition of voters elected Lincoln to the White House.

The French elections left no party in an absolute majority, so governance will be messy. Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez nonetheless cheered tonight’s results: “This week, two of the largest countries in Europe have chosen the same path that Spain chose a year ago: rejection of the extreme right and a decisive commitment to a social left that addresses people’s problems with serious and brave policies,” Sánchez posted on social media.

“The United Kingdom and France have said YES to progress and social advancement and NO to the regression in rights and freedoms. There is no agreement or government with the extreme right.” 





Saturday, July 6, 2024

Gratuitous Campaign Advice

Joey, Hey Joe:

Here are a couple of things about winning: 

In public, always lower your voice to more bass and raise the volume. That gives you more cred..........

Do NOT challenge him on facts or statements; instead, do the Reagan: 'There he goes again...'

In public, drop the 'contemplative' mindset. Show energy behind every remark.

Say to yourself all the time every day: "Yes I own this whole place. Don't even think about pissing me off". 

Let it show but do not say it out loud. Duh.......

Trot out your brain trust. We know you have good staff, show them to us.

We have your back.

Friday, July 5, 2024

GOP Project 2025 Takes Money from Hungary's Orban

July 4, 2024, Heather Cox Richardson

Monday, July 1, was a busy day. That morning the Supreme Court handed down a decision in Donald J. Trump v. United States that gives the president absolute immunity for committing crimes while engaging in official acts. On the same day, Trump White House strategist Steve Bannon began a four-month sentence for contempt of Congress at a low-security federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut. Before he began serving his sentence, he swore he would “be more powerful in prison than I am now.”


“On July 2, Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, went onto Bannon’s webcast War Room to hearten Bannon’s right-wing followers after Bannon’s incarceration. Former representative Dave Brat (R-VA) was sitting in for Bannon and conducted the interview. 


“[W]e are going to win,” Roberts told them. “We're in the process of taking this country back…. We ought to be really encouraged by what happened yesterday. And in spite of all of the injustice, which, of course, friends and audience of this show, of our friend Steve know, we are going to prevail.”


“That Supreme Court ruling yesterday on immunity is vital, and it's vital for a lot of reasons,” Roberts said, adding that the nation needs a strong leader because “the radical left…has taken over our institutions.” “[W]e are in the process of the second American Revolution,” he said, “which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”


Roberts took over the presidency of the Heritage Foundation in 2021, and he shifted it from a conservative think tank to an organization devoted to “institutionalizing Trumpism.” Central to that project for Roberts has been working to bring the policies of Hungary’s president Viktor Orbán, a close ally of Russia’s president Vladimir Putin, to the United States.


In 2023, Roberts brought the Heritage Foundation into a formal partnership with Hungary’s Danube Institute, a think tank overseen by a foundation that is directly funded by the Hungarian government; as journalist Casey Michel reported, it is, “for all intents and purposes, a state-funded front for pushing pro-Orbán rhetoric.” The Danube Institute has given grants to far-right figures in the U.S., and, Michel noted in March, “we have no idea how much funding may be flowing directly from Orbán’s regime to the Heritage Foundation.” Roberts has called modern Hungary “not just a model for conservative statecraft but the model.”


Orbán has been open about his determination to overthrow the concept of western democracy and replace it with what he has, on different occasions, called “illiberal democracy” or “Christian democracy.” He wants to replace the multiculturalism at the heart of democracy with Christian culture, stop the immigration that he believes undermines Hungarian culture, and reject “adaptable family models” in favor of “the Christian family model.” He is moving Hungary away from the stabilizing international systems supported by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).


No matter what he calls it, Orbán’s model is not democracy at all. As soon as he retook office in 2010, he began to establish control over the media, cracking down on those critical of his far-right political party, Fidesz, and rewarding those who toed the party line. In 2012 his supporters rewrote the country’s constitution to strengthen his hand, and extreme gerrymandering gave his party more power while changes to election rules benefited his campaigns. Increasingly, he used the power of the state to concentrate wealth among his cronies, and he reworked the country’s judicial system and civil service system to stack it with his loyalists, who attacked immigrants, women, and the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals. While Hungary still holds elections, state control of the media and the apparatus of voting means that it is impossible for the people of Hungary to remove him from power.


Trump supporters have long admired Orbán’s nationalism and centering of Christianity, while the fact that Hungary continues to have elections enables them to pretend that the country remains a democracy.


The tight cooperation between Heritage and Orbán illuminates Project 2025, the blueprint for a new kind of government dictated by Trump or a Trump-like figure. In January 2024, Roberts told Lulu Garcia-Navarro of the New York Times that Project 2025 was designed to jump-start a right-wing takeover of the government. “[T]he Trump administration, with the best of intentions, simply got a slow start,” Roberts said. “And Heritage and our allies in Project 2025 believe that must never be repeated.”


Project 2025 stands on four principles that it says the country must embrace: the U.S. must “[r]estore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children”; “[d]ismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people”; “[d]efend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats”; and “[s]ecure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls ‘the Blessings of Liberty.’”


In almost 1,000 pages, the document explains what these policies mean for ordinary Americans. Restoring the family and protecting children means using “government power…to restore the American family.” That, the document says, means eliminating any words associated with sexual orientation or gender identity, gender, abortion, reproductive health, or reproductive rights from any government rule, regulation, or law. Any reference to transgenderism is “pornography” and must be banned.


The overturning of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that recognized the right to abortion must be gratefully celebrated, the document says, but the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision accomplishing that end “is just the beginning.”


Dismantling the administrative state starts from the premise that “people are policy.” Frustrated because nonpartisan civil employees thwarted much of Trump’s agenda in his first term, the authors of Project 2025 call for firing much of the current government workforce—about 2 million people work for the U.S. government—and replacing it with loyalists who will carry out a right-wing president’s demands.


The plan asserts “the existential need” for an authoritarian leader to dismantle the current government that regulates business, provides a social safety net, and protects civil rights. Instead of the government Americans have built since 1933, the plan says the national government must “decentralize and privatize as much as possible” and leave “the great majority of domestic activities to state, local, and private governance.”


It attacks “America’s largest corporations, its public institutions, and its popular culture,” for their embrace of international organizations like the United Nations and the European Union and for their willingness to work with other countries. It calls for abandoning all of those partnerships and alliances.


Also on July 1, Orbán took over the rotating presidency of the European Union. He will be operating for six months in that position under a slogan taken from Trump and adapted to Europe: “Make Europe Great Again.” The day before taking that office, Orbán announced that his political party was forming a new alliance with far-right parties in Austria and the Czech Republic in order to launch a “new era of European politics.”


Tomorrow, Orbán will travel to Moscow to meet with Russian president Vladimir Putin. On July 2, Orbán met with Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv, where he urged Zelensky to accept a “ceasefire.” In the U.S., Trump’s team has suggested that, if reelected, Trump will call for an immediate ceasefire and will negotiate with Putin over how much of Ukraine Putin can keep while also rejecting Ukraine for NATO membership and scaling back U.S. commitment to NATO.


“I would expect a very quick end to the conflict,” Kevin Roberts said. Putin says he supports Trump’s plan.


Roberts’s “second American revolution,” which would destroy American democracy in an echo of a small-time dictator like Orbán and align our country with authoritarian leaders, seems a lot less patriotic than the first American Revolution.


For my part, I will stand with the words written 248 years ago today, saying that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”


