Family Crest

Family Crest
Motto: I will never forget. [ Source HouseofNames ]

HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK - Moves forward to 2125 due to election of US President trump.

Estimate of the time that Humanity will go extinct or civilization will collapse. The HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK moves forward to 2125 due to US President trump's abandonment of climate change goals. Clock moved to 90 seconds to doom at December 2023. Apologies to Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists for using the name.


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The Jobs Theory of Growth []

Moral Economics []

Balanced Trade []

There Are Alternatives to Free Market Capitalism []

Specific Country Economic Policy Analyses - More Than 50 Countries from Argentina to Yemen []


Thursday, July 5, 2007

Mike Bloomberg

Here's how Mike Bloomberg measures up. See [] for lots of information, but not in critical areas. Maybe he will flesh out his stances as time goes by.

1.Political Corruption: Score 0
No Mention - no surprise

2. Military/Industrial Complex: Score 0
Could not find any mention, shame.

3. Energy: Score 0.5
Has an idea about energy alternatives - at least it's a start

4. Unions - Labor and Consumer: Score 0
No Mention - no surprise

5. Income and Wealth Disparity: Score 0.5
Actually recognizes poverty, but doesn't address the bigger issues

6. Elections: Score 0
No Mention - no surprise

7. Judicial Independence: Score 0
No mention - no surprise

8. Trade deficits: Score 0
No Mention - no surprise

9. Usury Law: Score 0
No Mention - no surprise

Total 1.0 of 9 for a batting average of .110.

On McCain's level now, Let Bloomberg watch from the bench until he grows up.

Rudy Giuliani

Here's how Rudy Giuliani measures up - pretty much a strict Republican who ignores the critical issues and focuses on just getting in power . He is a danger to the American idea.[]

1.Political Corruption: Score 0
No Mention - no surprise

2. Military/Industrial Complex: Score 0
Could not find any mention, shame.

3. Energy: Score 0
No Mention - no surprise

4. Unions - Labor and Consumer: Score 0
No Mention - no surprise

5. Income and Wealth Disparity: Score 0
No Mention - no surprise

6. Elections: Score 0
No Mention - no surprise

7. Judicial Independence: Score 0
Too bad I can't use a negative score - Rudy specifically wants more
political judges

8. Trade deficits: Score 0
No Mention - no surprise

9. Usury Law: Score 0
No Mention - no surprise

Perfect zeros - Rudy is a danger to the American idea and should be barred from the stadium.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Complete Candidate List

Need a complete list of presidential candidates??


Barack Obama

Here's my analysis of how Barack Obama matches up to the nine critical
questions, based on his website today

1.Political Corruption: Score 1
Demonstrated chops - I like it

2. Military/Industrial Complex: Score 0
Could not find any mention, shame.

3. Energy: Score 1
Working the problem

4. Unions - Labor and Consumer: Score 1
Specific mention of unions rights to organize. Also, a plan to help poor people up the ladder

5. Income and Wealth Disparity: Score 1
Explicitly discussed in the poverty section.

6. Elections: Score 1
Specifics proposed in voting section

7. Judicial Independence: Score 0
No mention, shame.

8. Trade deficits: Score 0
No mention

9. Usury Law: Score 0
Are we afraid of the banks??

Beats Clinton with 5 of 9 for a .560 average.

Bat him cleanup.

Monday, July 2, 2007

John McCain

Here's John McCain

1. Political Corruption: Score 1
Big Talk, give him the benefit of the doubt.

2. Military Industrial Complex: Score 0
His approach is to make the military bigger and buy more weapons. Too bad I didn't include a negative score.

3. Energy: Score 0
Not a word.

4. Unions: Score 0
Not a word or a surprise

5. Income/Wealth Disparity: Score 0
Not a word

6. Elections: Score 0
Not a word

7. Judges: Score 0
Not a word

8. Trade balance: Score 0
In favor of free trade and cash outflows; too bad I don't have a negative score

9. Usury: Score 0
Not a word.


You score 1 of 9 for a batting average of .110.

Bench him.

Hillary Clinton

Here's my analysis of how Hillary Clinton matches up to the nine critical questions posed below, based on her website today []

1.Political Corruption: Score 1
A pretty good ten point plan here - go Hilary

2. Military/Industrial Complex: Score 0
Could not find any mention, shame.

3. Energy: Score 1
Specifically addressed and with the Demos in Congress, she has a clue about alternatives,

4. Unions - Labor and Consumer: Score 0.5
Nothing explicit, but can be read betwen the lines in helping the middle class - are we afraid of upsetting the corps by calling a spade a spade??

5. Income and Wealth Disparity: Score 1
Explicitly discussed in the middle class section.

6. Elections: Score 1
Specifics proposed in good government section

7. Judicial Independence: Score 0
No mention, shame.

8. Trade deficits: Score 0
No mention

9. Usury Law: Score 0
Are we afraid of the banks??

Overall, a pretty good batting average: 4.5 of 9 for a .500 average for Hilary.

Nine Questions

The 2008 Presidential election offers a great chance to see where the country is headed.

This writer thinks there are nine [9] areas where the American idea is actively under attack.

First, I'll list and explain each of the nine areas.

Then, I'll make a comparison of the campaign platform of many of the major presidential candidates to the nine areas. The comparison will be based on the candidate's published positions of each website.

Perhaps some candidates will change their platforms as a result. Who knows?
Here is the list of nine areas:

1. Political corruption - the government of the USA is corrupt. The legislative system require that candidates raise money from rich interests to be elected; then the elected legislators grant favors to their campaign contributors. [You can track corruption and fix it here:]
The American idea suffers when only money interests receive favorable laws.

2. Military/Indistrial Complex - Contractors receive money from providing products and services to the armed forces. With that money they influence policy to encourage wars. [Track corruption at Soldiers For The Truth: it here at the National Legal and Policy Center:]
Our military is corrupted when wars are started or encouraged by companies who profit from a war - that is not an American idea.

3. Energy - Oil interests damage the national security by promoting our dependence on oil.
A new bill was proposed recently in the House of Representatives to fund searches for oil alternatives. This is a good idea.
Here's another: let's treat oil like a public utility. After all, everyone needs it, just like water and electricity. So let's create a national oil commission that will plan for energy alternatives and regulate the price of oil so that oil companies can earn a reasonable rate of return but not any excessive profits.
Failure to deal with our energy problem will damage our future.

4. Labor and Consumer Unions - Corruption favors business interests over workers and consumers. It is time to restore a more equal balance between labor and business and consumers. [Track efforts against unions: consumer problems here: with new laws here:]
Continued weakening of labor and consumer power will damage the working family, the backbone of America.

5. Income and wealth Disparity - we are becoming a two tier country; the middle class is becoming weaker.
Our idea has been that Americans are mostly middle class. That idea is in trouble.
Track and fix here:

6. Elections - The foundation of the American idea is that voters can change the government if it is unresponsive. But, if the voting process is manipulated for partisan purposes, the American ideal is gone.
Track computer Fraud here: voting problems: here:

7. Judicial Indepedence - Judges must be above politics to protect our values.
Track pressures on judges: here:

8. Trade Deficits - trade deficts reflect an economic imbalance that will eventually damage the American way of life.

9. Usury - Banks contribute to destroying the middls class with usurious interest rates. We need a national law.
Compare credit cards here: here track usury in your state here:

That's the list.