Family Crest

Family Crest
Motto: I will never forget. [ Source HouseofNames ]

HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK - Moves forward to 2125 due to election of US President trump.

Estimate of the time that Humanity will go extinct or civilization will collapse. The HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK moves forward to 2125 due to US President trump's abandonment of climate change goals. Clock moved to 90 seconds to doom at December 2023. Apologies to Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists for using the name.


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Friday, June 28, 2024

Debate: Biden Won Decidedly


Despite an optics glitch, Biden won decidedly; time will tell if the optics overrules the facts.

Heather Cox Richardson, Jun 28


Tonight was the first debate between President Joe Biden and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, and by far the most striking thing about the debate was the overwhelming focus among pundits immediately afterward about Biden’s appearance and soft, hoarse voice as he rattled off statistics and events. Virtually unmentioned was the fact that Trump lied and rambled incoherently, ignored questions to say whatever he wanted; refused to acknowledge the events of January 6, 2021; and refused to commit to accepting the result of the 2024 presidential election, finally saying he would accept it only if it met his standards for fairness. 

Immediately after the debate, there were calls for Biden to drop out of the race, but aside from the fact that the only time a presidential candidate has ever done that—in 1968—it threw the race into utter confusion and the president’s party lost, Biden needed to demonstrate that his mental capacity is strong in order to push back on the Republicans’ insistence that he is incapable of being president. That, he did, thoroughly. Biden began with a weak start but hit his stride as the evening wore on. Indeed, he covered his bases too thoroughly, listing the many accomplishments of his administration in such a hurry that he was sometimes hard to understand. 

In contrast, Trump came out strong but faded and became less coherent over time. His entire performance was either lies or rambling non-sequiturs. He lied so incessantly throughout the evening that it took CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale almost three minutes, speaking quickly, to get through the list. 

Trump said that some Democratic states allow people to execute babies after they’re born and that every legal scholar wanted Roe v. Wade overturned—both fantastical lies. He said that the deficit is at its highest level ever and that the U.S. trade deficit is at its highest ever: both of those things happened during his administration. He lied that there were no terrorist attacks during his presidency; there were many. He said that Biden wants to quadruple people’s taxes—this is “pure fiction,” according to Dale—and lied that his tax cuts paid for themselves; they have, in fact, added trillions of dollars to the national debt. 

Dale went on: Trump lied that the U.S. has provided more aid to Ukraine than Europe has when it’s the other way around, and he was off by close to $100 billion when he named the amount the U.S. has provided to Ukraine. He was off by millions when he talked about how many migrants have crossed the border under Biden, and falsely claimed that some of Biden’s policies—like funding historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and reducing the price of insulin to $35 a month—were his own accomplishments.

There is no point in going on, because virtually everything he said was a lie. As Jake Lahut of the Daily Beast recorded, he also was all over the map. “On January 6,” Trump said, “we had a great border.” To explain how he would combat opioid addiction, he veered off into talking points about immigration and said his administration “bought the best dog.” He boasted about acing a cognitive test and that he had just recently won two golf club tournaments without mentioning that they were at his own golf courses. “To do that, you have to be quite smart and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way,” he said. “I can do it.” 

As Lahut recorded, Trump said this: “Clean water and air. We had it. We had the H2O best numbers ever, and we were using all forms of energy during my 4 years. Best environmental numbers ever, they gave me the statistic [sic.] before I walked on stage actually.”

Trump also directly accused Biden of his own failings and claimed Biden’s own strengths, saying, for example, that Biden, who has enacted the most sweeping legislation of any president since at least Lyndon Johnson, couldn’t get anything done while he, who accomplished only tax cuts, was more effective. He responded to the calling out of his own criminal convictions by saying that Biden “could be a convicted felon,” and falsely stating: “This man is a criminal.” And, repeatedly, Trump called America a “failing nation” and described it as a hellscape.

It went on and on, and that was the point. This was not a debate. It was Trump using a technique that actually has a formal name, the Gish gallop, although I suspect he comes by it naturally. It’s a rhetorical technique in which someone throws out a fast string of lies, non-sequiturs, and specious arguments, so many that it is impossible to fact-check or rebut them in the amount of time it took to say them. Trying to figure out how to respond makes the opponent look confused, because they don’t know where to start grappling with the flood that has just hit them.

It is a form of gaslighting, and it is especially effective on someone with a stutter, as Biden has. It is similar to what Trump did to Biden during a debate in 2020. In that case, though, the lack of muting on the mics left Biden simply saying: “Will you shut up, man?” a comment that resonated with the audience. Giving Biden the enforced space to answer by killing the mic of the person not speaking tonight actually made the technique more effective.

There are ways to combat the Gish gallop—by calling it out for what it is, among other ways—but Biden retreated to trying to give the three pieces of evidence that established his own credentials on the point at hand. His command of those points was notable, but the difference between how he sounded at the debate and how he sounded on stage at a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, just an hour afterward suggested that the technique worked on him. 

That’s not ideal, but as Monique Pressley put it, “The proof of Biden’s ability to run the country is the fact that he is running it. Successfully. Not a debate performance against a pathological lying sociopath.” 

A much bigger deal is what it says that the television media and pundits so completely bought into Trump’s performance. They appear to have accepted Trump’s framing of the event—that he is dominant—so fully that the fact Trump unleashed a flood of lies and non-sequiturs simply didn’t register. And, since the format established that the CNN journalists running the debate did not challenge anything either candidate said, and Dale’s fact-checking spot came long after the debate ended, the takeaway of the event was a focus on Biden’s age rather than on Trump’s inability to tell the truth or form a coherent thought. 

At the end of the evening, pundits were calling not for Trump—a man liable for sexual assault and business fraud, convicted of 34 felonies, under three other indictments, who lied pathologically—to step down, but for Biden to step down…because he looked and sounded old. At 81, Biden is indeed old, but that does not distinguish him much from Trump, who is 78 and whose inability to answer a question should raise concerns about his mental acuity. 

About the effect of tonight’s events, former Republican operative Stuart Stevens warned: “Don’t day trade politics. It’s a sucker’s game. A guy from Queens out on bail bragged about overturning Roe v. Wade, said in public he didn’t have sex with a porn star, defended tax cuts for billionaires, defended Jan. 6th. and called America the worst country in the world. That guy isn’t going to win this race.”

Trump will clearly have pleased his base tonight, but Stevens is right to urge people to take a longer view. It’s not clear whether Trump or Biden picked up or lost votes; different polls gave the win to each, and it’s far too early to know how that will shake out over time. 

Of far more lasting importance than this one night is the clear evidence that stage performance has trumped substance in political coverage in our era. Nine years after Trump launched his first campaign, the media continues to let him call the shots. 






Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Russian Conspiracy to Destroy Democracy and Install Thugs in Power

I will try here to present some scenarios of likely conditions in the United States of America after trump becomes President. I model some of these ideas on Russia under Putin; trump has said he admires Putin and even takes some compensation from Russia. IMHO, trump will change the United States to a Putin model.


Citizens of EU countries and the United States have difficulty imagining daily life in a tyranny; those citizens see daily examples of their legal and political systems preventing tyrants and other thugs from committing crimes. Putin has systematically stripped away all those constraints in Russia, which might deter him in order to keep control of state assets within his group of friends.


If trump installs the Putin model in the United States, we will have absolutely no recourse for crimes or abuse done to us by Government officials or trump affiliated thugs. Project 2025 is already creating a list of federal civil servants to remove from office and replace them with trump thugs. []


Putin's model includes these:


Murder of persons who try to stop crimes committed by the ruling thugs.


Example - Putin was part of a criminal gang, which controlled the port of St. Petersburg and made a lot of money from shipping. 'Control of the port became so strategic that when, in 1997 the Property Department chief Mikhail Manevich sought to return the voting rights City Hall had lost to its 29 per cent stake during the privatization, he was shot dead by a sniper as he drove to work." [Source PUTIN'S PEOPLE, Catherine Belton, Farrar, Straus and Geroux, 2020, pg 104.]


Execution of political adversaries. [Source: The List Is Long: Russians Who Have Died after Running Afoul Of the Kremlin, Radio Free Europe, URL:  []


Theft of companies and properties in Russia. [Source: Browder: 'Putin Has Stolen Hundreds of Billions of Russia's Wealth, Moscow Times, Feb. 16, 2015, URL []


The foregoing is the tip of the iceberg. Underneath that, Russia has a shadow Russian group that conducts systematic operations to disrupt life in Western Democracies and sow discord. 'The secret organization created by descendants of the Soviet KGB still continues its activities and poses a serious threat to the national security of the United States. Such information appeared in a recently published investigation of intelligence services.' [Source: Economy and life address by American expert. URL:]


This shadow group of Russian citizens which controls Russia and Putin in attacking Democracy, and the United States especially, seems motivated by their greed for more power over more people, without any more noble aim.


The group probably dates to the 1918 Communist revolution. That group, whom I will call the Center, directs action by their agents to defeat Democracy and establish control over a national government. The Center has been doing this since 1918 and they are very good at it.


Their simple model enables them to control many countries without any military intervention. First, locate a political person willing to accept help from the Center and then assist that person in eliminating rivals and consolidating power in the country. That person becomes an Asset


Then the Center provides their Asset with assistance in eliminating opposition within that country. In exchange, the Center demands obedience to their commands, which can include financial opportunities for Russians, and strict adherence to Center directives to help Russia in its territorial expansion.


They allow the Asset to use any method he needs to remove an impediment to the Asset's control over the country or control over a moneymaking opportunity. No method is off the table.


We, as Americans and citizens of an EU country have difficulty understanding how that works in reality. That is exactly how citizens in tyrannies live every day. Russians, Chinese and North Koreans live under a tyrant.


When a tyrant wants some property or person, he takes it by force.


As citizens of democracies, we react and say that cannot happen because the police will interfere. Alternatively, we assume the courts will enforce the law and prevent such violent acts.


We do not worry about politicians who want to be tyrants because we assume that laws will survive to prevent criminal acts. In fact, that assumption simply paves the way for the tyrant.


It is real and it is happening today in most Democracies.