During the Cold War, Russian Premier Kruschev was forced to resign by his government because he banged his shoe on the podium at the United Nations. Apparently, Russians wanted to join the international community with some respect.
Now, Putin rages at imaginary enemies, installs bombing of infants and pregnant women as official military policy in Ukraine and elsewhere and also threatens nuclear attacks against the West if his whims are questioned.
Russia under Putin has descended into barbaric and disgusting official policies.
Russians are rightfully ashamed of these actions.
Russia under Putin has forfeit any right to normal discourse with civilized nations.
Putin makes Russia a pariah state.
'Pariah states are states that are considered expelled because of their government. Anyone who does not abide by international rules or refuses to cooperate with the international community in wide areas must expect sanctions. Many of the former and current pariah states owe their classification to their autocratic rule, under which their own people suffer.' World Data info.
And: video from Arnold Schwarzenegger, Former Governor of California: