Family Crest

Family Crest
Motto: I will never forget. [ Source HouseofNames ]

HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK - Moves forward to 2125 due to election of US President trump.

Estimate of the time that Humanity will go extinct or civilization will collapse. The HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK moves forward to 2125 due to US President trump's abandonment of climate change goals. Clock moved to 90 seconds to doom at December 2023. Apologies to Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists for using the name.


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The Jobs Theory of Growth []

Moral Economics []

Balanced Trade []

There Are Alternatives to Free Market Capitalism []

Specific Country Economic Policy Analyses - More Than 50 Countries from Argentina to Yemen []


Saturday, May 2, 2020

Biden Dirty Tricks Bureau - 2

Let's deflect negative attacks with Reagan and Putin playbook.

" Oh that? Well, there he goes again. It's not accurate and I'll have a complete statement tomorrow. But don't forget

1. Obstruction of justice
2. Impeachment
3. Stormy Daniels
4. Putin
5. Russians
6. Deutsche Bank
7. Epstein
8. Tax Returns
9. Covid 19 failures
10. Bankruptcy
11. Family profiteering
12. etc., etc., etc..."

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Biden Dirty Trick Bureau

The campaign will be dirty. Putin, the Cock Brothers and the rest are desperate. 

A campaign of creating unity among all Americans is a great idea, but Joe also needs a two-prong defense against the attacks, which will come.

Expect a swift boat type attack or Comey style statement - some one or several claims close to the election which inflame emotions.

First step: Immediate categorical denial, followed by the Reagan masterful line: 'There he goes [or they go] again' which Joe delivers with a little grin. That phrase and the grin serve to trivialize the attack. 

In 24 hours or sooner, a press release with a detailed, thorough and accurate statement is issued debunking the claim. Object of lengthy detail is to overwhelm the press with too much information so they will drop the story. A plain denial with no exhaustive detailed recitation of facts will keep the story alive.

And, create an archive of 45's indiscretions with [ideally] video of the injured party in each and every event combined with thorough detailed discussion of the entire story. The object of the detail is exhaustive detailed recitation of facts to overwhelm any counter claims. 

45 has injured so many people the stories need to be grouped into categories, i.e., criminal fraud, rape, pedophilia, failure to honor contracts, etc., etc.

Then Joe has a library of 'what about' style things to distribute in order to deflect the conversation.

It is what 45 does all the time: "What about immigration/', or' What about Obama?'

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Biden Food Bank

Joe - We face a starvation situation soon. 

We have zero national leadership. That vacuum will kill people.

You have lots of talented folks with you.

Please task them to coordinate a national food bank in all states.

Will make no difference if your name is on it or not.

Just do it now.

For all Americans.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Saving Lives by Saving Hospitals

Many remotely located hospitals and nursing homes are failing financially. But we need them to continue treating patients in order that the United States can secure public health and contain Covid 19.

Proposed reorganization:

The county Health Officer determines which facilities are necessary in the county.

Those necessary but financially failing facilities submit an application to the county certifying their income and expenses and balance sheet with a list of facilities and patients.

The Health Officer approves the application and forwards it to the Federal Agency, appropriate agency to be designated. 

The Federal government offers to support each necessary facility for the duration of the crisis provided that the facility sells all its assets to the Federal government for $1.00 or re-organizes as a non profit 501(c)3 organization.

County Health Officer will determine whether each facility is still required after the crisis passes. Each necessary facility will continue to receive support while any facility not deemed necessary is sold. 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

STRIKE: Rent and Loan Holiday

One of the problems our American economy we will face soon is the effects of the rise in unemployment on working people.

With very high unemployment will come misery and death due to banks' probable unwillingness to adjust their loans and their reliance on traditional foreclosure, eviction and other unspeakable behaviors.

Unemployed people lose incomes and have trouble paying their bills. Some will become homeless because they can't pay rent or loan payments.

Now is the time for a national Rent and Loan Holiday

Don't pay your rent or loan, even if still employed. Live secure because you did nothing wrong and Americans help each other. All Americans should take a holiday from rent and/or mortgage payments for twelve months. And, evictions, repossession and other legal steps should be prohibited for the same period.

Housing costs are a big share of most family expenses. After losing a job and with no other income many will choose between food and shelter. Many will choose to become homeless rather than starve.

Spending can increase when housing is secure for a year.

Imposing misery is not the American way. Americans don't abandon unfortunate people, instead we come together to help all of us survive.

If the economy recovers at the end of the year banks can add the missed payments onto the end of the loan.

Renters should have the same rights, no rent for a year. If the landlord has a mortgage he won't be harmed since the loan will be on holiday.

At the end of the year, borrowers receive an option to renegotiate or sell their property. Homeowners whose houses have declined in market value can start with a new loan at the lowered market value. Their original down payment applies to the new loan and the new loan will be for the new value.

Banks will lose some income but their principal remains since they retain a lien against the property. When prices decline they will retain their relative purchasing power with no real loss.