The United States faces an existential challenge.
It is this: Will trump's Fascist insurrection overwhelm the rule of law and our Democracy?
We can prevent this, but ONLY if we can work together for the common good.
A few Republican Senators and Representatives can vote with Democrats to enact non-partisan legislation to prevent a Fascist takeover. Other countries have done it.
We can all work together by finding something we all share.
Our emotional division may create our political divisions.
One group of Americans addresses political discussions in emotional terms. Here is an example: 'Proposition A [insert talking point here] makes me feel good so it must be true. And, I want to feel good since life is difficult right now. A political movement today tells me who is making me feel bad and I want to hurt them.'
Another group of Americans approaches things differently: 'Policy B [insert policy here] helps most Americans live better lives so I vote for politicians who support that policy. But, I am afraid that an insurrection can remove that policy.'
Fear seems to be a common ground. Perhaps we can use fear to motivate cooperation, as suggested by my wife Alexandra.
We say this to the emotionally motivated: 'We share your fear of losing the conditions you like, but the political movement that appeals to your fears today likely will create the exact conditions you fear and simultaneously destroy all the things you like if they get into power.' [See post below titled 'America After Coup' for a list of things Fascism will destroy]
We say this to the Policy motivated: 'We share your concern of a Fascist takeover. The best way to prevent that is to work together with some GOP politicians to enact laws to prevent it. We will likely fail to prevent an insurrection if we fail to work together.'