Family Crest

Family Crest
Motto: I will never forget. [ Source HouseofNames ]

HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK - Moves forward to 2125 due to election of US President trump.

Estimate of the time that Humanity will go extinct or civilization will collapse. The HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK moves forward to 2125 due to US President trump's abandonment of climate change goals. Clock moved to 90 seconds to doom at December 2023. Apologies to Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists for using the name.


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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Self Defense for Election Workers

Some American voters have regressed from civilized behavior into aberrant beings with infantile attitudes, 'If I can't do what I want, I will shit on your dinner; or maybe I'll shoot you with my assault rifle'. You election and court workers are decent people conducting business for the American people; you hear death threats in your workplaces and your homes. Those threats are crimes, and, they are simply despicable.

Know that most Americans are with you and have your back. You are not alone.

I suggest some mechanisms that will help you avoid the vileness directed at you. This is low level beginning stuff that is easy to follow. They are small steps, but will be effective in reducing the volume of threats. It's my list and it has not been reviewed; please ask your employer's attorney to review before you start using these ideas.

Know that we will not judge you for your decision to retire if that is best for you and your family. You are heroes.

Here are the steps to take:

1. Do NOT accept that the threats are part of the election process and are just 'political'. They are crimes.

2. Change all your online, remote and computer passwords immediately.

3. Change them again every month. Use English words you can remember easily and add a number or symbol as well. Or, use computer generated passwords.

4. Do not answer the phone or click on any email from a sender you do not know personally. Never open any attachment from an email. Screen all calls to your business and home phones and personal cell phone. Record and save each threat no matter how mild it appears. Law enforcement will collect the calls and look for patterns that lead to criminal charges. 

Use this as your phone's greeting: "You have reached Mary Smith's personal telephone. Since I am a public servant employed by the [United States, State, County or city] any threat you make directed to me or my family is a crime under Federal and local law. Know that I will forward your threat and your Phone number to law enforcement with a request to arrest you. Leave your message now." 

5. Record all of the message and the phone number and any other identifying fact the caller discloses. 

6. Save them into a digital format like Excel that can be sent to detectives. Remember, collections of large volumes of data about threats can suggest patterns and identify the cdriminals behind the calls. Data is the phone number, the date and time of the call, your rating of the call threat level and any other facts the caller reveals. 

When we have several thousand people doing this, we will know a lot about who is behind the calls. We can prosecute those people as well as the caller. A person who facilitates a crime is also guilty of a crime. 

7. Rank the nature of the threat using this code or some other:

Cat 1 - credible explicit death threat to public official, probably illegal

Example: The following message led to an arrest: 

The man allegedly said in a voicemail left for Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich on Sept. 27, 2021, according to the Justice Department:

'When we come to lynch your stupid lying Commie [expletive], you’ll remember that you lied on the [expletive] Bible, you piece of [expletive]. You’re gonna die, you piece of [expletive]. We’re going to hang you. We’re going to hang you,'

Cat 2 - Emotional, unfocused rant mentioning death

Cat 3 - Hatred expressed, no specific threat of violence

Cat 4 - Unemotional disagreement with explicit rationale

Cat 5 - Unemotional disagreement with zero rationale

8. Give your records to local law enforcement as well as to places which collect the data like the FBI or election fairness organizations. Request that law enforcement file criminal actions and proseucte the people who threaten you. 

Report here for Califonia: Report all threats or acts of workplace violence to the DGS Workplace Violence Referral Line at (916) 376-5344.

D O J here


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