Here's a plan to resist 47.
MAGA is Criminal
The foundation behind the GOP today is criminality. They are thugs. They will steal what ever they can.
No Point in Debating Policy
They do not understand or have any interest in debates about policy. Discussing policy is a waste of time; you might as well be giving a lecture on Keynesian vs Chicago economics or the finer points of Japanese calligraphy of the 16th Century.
We should wait them out. While waiting we work very hard to win the 2026 elections at ALL levels including National and State elected and appointed officials, School Boards, water districts and on to every place and office MAGATS might be.
We Have the Duty to Disobey
The Uniform Code of Military Justice requires military officers to disobey any order they deem violates the Constitution. In order to prevent the harm trump will try to inflict on the United States from his war on the USA, civil service employees at all levels of government should adopt the 'duty to disobey' toward any order or action that violates the Constitution. Additionally, they should collect evidence of any criminal act and report that criminal act to the Dept of Justice for prosecution.
'So, can a person in the military simply refuse to follow an order if they don't like it? The answer is yes — if they consider the order itself to be illegal or unconstitutional. It's generally called a "duty to disobey," and is empowered by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Nov 27, 2019' [] [From my post: Weaponize the Deep State in 2025, April 18, 2024]
Putin Model
As Putin style thugs, the GOP will appoint thieves to all the political appointments available to them. It's a version of the basic Putin model: establish criminals in positions of power and insist each share some of the booty with the Boss. Find any person who will not go along or who may not acquiesce in the future and eliminate each such person. Elimination can be done through snipers, poisoning, imprisonment in lethal conditions, dismissal from any position of authority and also et. cetra ad finitum.
What To Do
Recognize that any act which prevents or stalls a GOP command or policy is the definition of Patriotism. We may be able to save much of our country by resisting all MAGA commands or orders. We should be quiet until called upon to act by the 'Federales'; then we should insist that we will not do what they ask. Force them to fire you from your job. When they come to force you out, record the actions and post to social media and all the usual media as well.
Confronting MAGA in Friends and Family
Whenever you are confronted by a MAGA thug in your personal life, simply state that you think he/she is wrong. Then, ask them to provide real evidence supporting their belief.
It Is OK to Bail When You See Danger
When the MAGATS come for you and you do not wish to endanger your family, then it is OK to resign and/or say that you will do what they ask, soon. Then, you can disappear by moving or going off grid.
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