Family Crest

Family Crest
Motto: I will never forget. [ Source HouseofNames ]

HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK - Moves forward to 2125 due to election of US President trump.

Estimate of the time that Humanity will go extinct or civilization will collapse. The HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK moves forward to 2125 due to US President trump's abandonment of climate change goals. Clock moved to 90 seconds to doom at December 2023. Apologies to Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists for using the name.


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Saturday, November 7, 2020

100 Days

 100 Days

Here is my take on Biden/Harris first 100 days.

Fire every single person hired by 45 or his minions.

Reverse every single executive order issued by 45 and his minions.

Offer jobs to all the Americans fired by 45 and his minions.

Make no effort to impede court actions directed to 45.

Rejoin the Paris Accord, the Iran treaty, the WHO and the other international organizations 45 withdrew. 

If McConnell remains as Senate Majority leader, find areas of legitimate national interest and encourage him to cooperate; if he fails, then target him with a resignation campaign. 

Diligently work to find Republican Senators who will support legislation on critical national interests; they can be encouraged to cooperate with resignation campaigns. 

Invite our allies' Heads of State to a formal White House reception. Make our positions clear to the Ambassadors of our rivals like Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Turkey and so forth.

Be prepared for a provocation requiring a violent response from one or more of our rivals - they want to see if Biden/Harris has the stomach for violence or not. 

Pass the Bills forwarded to the Senate by the House. 

Obey the law and treaties the US has signed about asylum seekers: build facilities to hold seekers while we adjudicate their cases; replace ICE with IRS agents so we can tax the corporations profiting from illegal immigrants. FIND THE CHILDREN'S PARENTS - this failure is simply shameful.

It will be a busy time.

May God bless the United States of America.

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