Family Crest

Family Crest
Motto: I will never forget. [ Source HouseofNames ]

HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK - Moves forward to 2125 due to election of US President trump.

Estimate of the time that Humanity will go extinct or civilization will collapse. The HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK moves forward to 2125 due to US President trump's abandonment of climate change goals. Clock moved to 90 seconds to doom at December 2023. Apologies to Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists for using the name.


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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Russian Conspiracy to Destroy Democracy and Install Thugs in Power

I will try here to present some scenarios of likely conditions in the United States of America after trump becomes President. I model some of these ideas on Russia under Putin; trump has said he admires Putin and even takes some compensation from Russia. IMHO, trump will change the United States to a Putin model.


Citizens of EU countries and the United States have difficulty imagining daily life in a tyranny; those citizens see daily examples of their legal and political systems preventing tyrants and other thugs from committing crimes. Putin has systematically stripped away all those constraints in Russia, which might deter him in order to keep control of state assets within his group of friends.


If trump installs the Putin model in the United States, we will have absolutely no recourse for crimes or abuse done to us by Government officials or trump affiliated thugs. Project 2025 is already creating a list of federal civil servants to remove from office and replace them with trump thugs. []


Putin's model includes these:


Murder of persons who try to stop crimes committed by the ruling thugs.


Example - Putin was part of a criminal gang, which controlled the port of St. Petersburg and made a lot of money from shipping. 'Control of the port became so strategic that when, in 1997 the Property Department chief Mikhail Manevich sought to return the voting rights City Hall had lost to its 29 per cent stake during the privatization, he was shot dead by a sniper as he drove to work." [Source PUTIN'S PEOPLE, Catherine Belton, Farrar, Straus and Geroux, 2020, pg 104.]


Execution of political adversaries. [Source: The List Is Long: Russians Who Have Died after Running Afoul Of the Kremlin, Radio Free Europe, URL:  []


Theft of companies and properties in Russia. [Source: Browder: 'Putin Has Stolen Hundreds of Billions of Russia's Wealth, Moscow Times, Feb. 16, 2015, URL []


The foregoing is the tip of the iceberg. Underneath that, Russia has a shadow Russian group that conducts systematic operations to disrupt life in Western Democracies and sow discord. 'The secret organization created by descendants of the Soviet KGB still continues its activities and poses a serious threat to the national security of the United States. Such information appeared in a recently published investigation of intelligence services.' [Source: Economy and life address by American expert. URL:]


This shadow group of Russian citizens which controls Russia and Putin in attacking Democracy, and the United States especially, seems motivated by their greed for more power over more people, without any more noble aim.


The group probably dates to the 1918 Communist revolution. That group, whom I will call the Center, directs action by their agents to defeat Democracy and establish control over a national government. The Center has been doing this since 1918 and they are very good at it.


Their simple model enables them to control many countries without any military intervention. First, locate a political person willing to accept help from the Center and then assist that person in eliminating rivals and consolidating power in the country. That person becomes an Asset


Then the Center provides their Asset with assistance in eliminating opposition within that country. In exchange, the Center demands obedience to their commands, which can include financial opportunities for Russians, and strict adherence to Center directives to help Russia in its territorial expansion.


They allow the Asset to use any method he needs to remove an impediment to the Asset's control over the country or control over a moneymaking opportunity. No method is off the table.


We, as Americans and citizens of an EU country have difficulty understanding how that works in reality. That is exactly how citizens in tyrannies live every day. Russians, Chinese and North Koreans live under a tyrant.


When a tyrant wants some property or person, he takes it by force.


As citizens of democracies, we react and say that cannot happen because the police will interfere. Alternatively, we assume the courts will enforce the law and prevent such violent acts.


We do not worry about politicians who want to be tyrants because we assume that laws will survive to prevent criminal acts. In fact, that assumption simply paves the way for the tyrant.


It is real and it is happening today in most Democracies. 

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