Family Crest

Family Crest
Motto: I will never forget. [ Source HouseofNames ]

HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK - Moves forward to 2125 due to election of US President trump.

Estimate of the time that Humanity will go extinct or civilization will collapse. The HUMANITY DOOMSDAY CLOCK moves forward to 2125 due to US President trump's abandonment of climate change goals. Clock moved to 90 seconds to doom at December 2023. Apologies to Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists for using the name.


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Friday, July 22, 2022

U.S. considers giving Warthog warplanes to Ukraine and training its pilots.

 U.S. considers giving Warthog warplanes to Ukraine and training its pilots. — New York Times, Julian E. Barnes, July 22, 2022

U.S. Air Force leaders have raised the possibility of training Ukrainian pilots in the United States and giving Ukraine the American fleet of A-10 Warthog ground-attack planes — an idea that could solve a problem for both countries.

The notion is a classic trial balloon. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall this week entertained the idea of giving the A-10 planes to Ukraine, while adding that it was still in the discussion phase.

Such a plan could make sense. Ukraine needs more air power and more ways to destroy Russian artillery and tanks, and the Warthog was designed during the Cold War for that very purpose.

And the Air Force has for years wanted to get rid of the A-10s. That would free up maintenance money for new planes that can be used for multiple purposes, and would be more effective in a possible conflict with China.

But Congress has blocked every attempt to retire the A-10.

Under the Obama administration, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates tried to retire the plane, only to be opposed by Senator Kelly Ayotte, Republican of New Hampshire. Instead of retiring the A-10, Congress approved money to modernize and extend the life of the planes, a project that was completed in 2019.

Under Mr. Kendall, the Air Force has once again tried to retire the planes to save money to modernize the military. But the most recent attempt to mothball the Warthog was blocked by Senator Mark Kelly, Democrat of Arizona.

While designed to destroy Russian tanks, the Warthog was used in Iraq and Afghanistan to provide support for troops in combat. Air Force pilots would fly the Warthog slowly over the terrain and then open up with its guns on insurgent fighters.

Some former officials believe that in Ukraine the Warthog could perform a combination of that role and its original tank-killing mission. In recent months, those former officials have been working with Ukrainian and American officials to discuss the possibility of sending Ukraine at least some of the Air Force’s A-10 fleet.

For now, though, any plan to ship Warthogs to Ukraine remains only a suggestion.

But there are some indications that sending the planes to Ukraine could appeal to some lawmakers. The House version of the annual defense policy bill would authorize the United States to train Ukrainian pilots on American planes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

2024: Count ALL the Votes

trump may succeed in violently attacking several state election systems and processes so that the Electors cannot certify the election of a new President.

Al Gore in that situation deferred to the Supreme Court and did not contest the election of Bush.

Joe Biden CANNOT follow that lead. We want him to stay President until the votes are counted and certified. 

Be sure to count ALL the votes, even if it takes a year. 

If we hand the country to trump, he will never leave. The rule of law will become an archaic memory. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Can a U.S. president or candidate face criminal charges?


I read the law this way: trump is a private citizen and can be prosecuted now for any crimes he may have committed in or out of office. 

The idea that he can escape prosecution in the event he is a candidate for President in 2024 is simply absurd.

No person is above the law.

The United States of America faces severe negative consequences if we fail to indict trump for all criminal activities - such a failure may well let loose a cascade of violence and intimidation that can end the rule of law in the United States.

We should appoint a Special Prosecutor in the event the Attorney General cannot prosecute him expeditiously. Any delay encourages violence from his supporters.

Delaying prosecution sends the wrong message. Now is the time to act.

'Can a sitting U.S. president face criminal charges?'

By Jan Wolfe, Reuters, FEBRUARY 26, 2019


Yes. There is no debate over whether a former president can be indicted for conduct that occurred while in office. In fact, President Gerald Ford, who succeeded Nixon after his resignation, was mindful of this when he granted “a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed.” '


'...some lawyers have argued that the nation’s founders could have included a provision in the Constitution shielding the president from prosecution, but did not do so, suggesting an indictment would be permissible. According to this view, immunity for the president violates the fundamental principle that nobody is above the law....'


'Possibly. The Justice Department regulations governing Mueller’s appointment allow him to deviate from department policy in “extraordinary circumstances” with the approval of the U.S. attorney general, the nation’s top law enforcement official. Trump appointee William Barr currently holds that post.

Some legal experts have suggested Mueller could invoke this exception if he has uncovered serious wrongdoing and lacked confidence in the ability of the divided Congress to hold Trump accountable. Some lawyers also have said Mueller is not bound by the 1973 and 2000 memos because he is not a typical employee of the department.

Ken Starr, who investigated President Bill Clinton in the 1990s in the somewhat different role of independent counsel, in 1998 conducted his own analysis of the question of whether a sitting president can be indicted, indicating he did not consider the 1973 Justice Department memo binding on him.

Starr did not indict Clinton in his investigation involving the president’s relationship with a White House intern named Monica Lewinsky, but lawyers in his office concluded he had the authority to do so, according to a once-secret internal memo made public by the New York Times in 2017.'

Monday, July 18, 2022

Radical USA Terrorists Will Attack Elections Violently


There is an 80% to 90% probability that domestic USA terrorists will violently attack State government facilities during both the 2022 AND 2024 elections.


They will likely attack two or three election vote counting locations and State capitol buildings. It may happen in States where Republican majorities control both houses of the State legislature.


The early attacks can serve as a test of the protective systems installed by the National Guard and Police. If protection is weak and attackers succeed  OR escape with few arrests and little physical harm, then terrorists may see that as a message: the US will not protect the rule of law against violence. Any such message can encourage more attacks.


The goal of these attacks will be to call into question the legitimacy of the election process and results.


That can be an excuse for overturning all elections and installing unelected officials in critical positions.


The USA should prepare to treat such attacks as acts of war.